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This page keeps the history of AMO: what we've been working on, when, events, pushes... Glossary:


The plan is now to push the tag 2015.05.21 on tuesday, and start signing add-ons on production shortly after that.


  • 1153231 Allow some validation messages/warnings for the automatic unlisted addons signature


Final (?) touches to the unlisted add-ons and signing.

  • 1156333 Don't review a file if its signing failed
  • 1164488 Automatic validation and signing should also do everything a manual review does


Continue cleaning/ironing the last few wrinkles for the signing/unlisted addons feature.

  • 1162458 Add-ons which support both Thunderbird and android are signed after approval
  • 1160654 Make sure that unlisted add-ons cannot be beta add-ons


Small fixes, reviews, and creation of "long-term" bugs.

  • 1162940 "Yes, distribute my add-on on this site" tool-tip explications are not listed in the default language
  • 1164390 Signing of a version fails if one of its files is missing on the filesystem
  • review #555
  • create bug 1164477 upgrade to django 1.7
  • create bug 1164478 upgrade to django 1.8
  • create bug 1164481 Use to keep track of outdated dependencies
  • create bug 1164494 Only automatically review/sign an unlisted addon after step 3 is done
  • create tracking bug 1164500 next bugs to fix 2015-05-13


Fix docker install.

  • 1162462 Quickstart instructions do not result in a working docker setup



Another fix for the bulk signing script: it was failing on non-ascii filenames. And thus a new tag.

  • 1161486 Display an information about the signed status of a file on the public pages
  • 1161536 Add a waffle flag for the unlisted addons
    • create PR #545 to fix a failure introduced in PR #543
  • 1162058 Bulk signing fails on non-ascii filenames
    • create PR #546 to fix a failure introduced in PR #543
  • 1160627 Switching from hidden -> unlisted
  • tag (on top of 2015.05.04) 2015.05.06


We'd like to push the unlisted add-ons feature before we have the automatic validation ready. But we're not sure we want to enable it (accept unlisted add-ons submissions) before we have the automatic validation, because it would create a lot of review work for editors. Having a waffle flag will allow us to decide if we want that or not.

  • create bug 1161536 add a waffle-flag for the unlisted add-ons


Plans changed: we won't be pushing master on the 6th of may, so removed the 2015.05.06 tag. Instead, made some small changes to the bulk signing script (fixing urls in the emails, storing the signed status in a field on the File). We also now sign multi-package XPIs.

  • small fixes for the bulk signing script:
  • 1160969 sign multipackage XPIs
  • tag (on top of 2015.04.29) 2015.05.04


Tagged master for production. This is what we aim to have in production before may 12, including unlisted add-ons (but no automatic validation for now). Pushed the 2015.04.29 tag to production, and signed 257 addons.

  • 1159715 Fix the wording for unlisted add-ons in the devhub edit page
  • tag master for production 2015.05.06


Fix a lot of small issues on the unlisted add-ons flow. Create a new tag 2015.04.29 for the bulk signing, which should fix the issues we had during the "saturday crisis".

  • 1158938 End mozilla.sf with two newlines
  • 1156333 Don't review a file if its signing failed
  • create bug 1159679 can't display devhub page for unlisted addon once submitted
  • create bug 1159690 The devhub whiteboard doesn't work for unlisted add-ons
  • create bug 1159708 An editor should not be able to grant prelim review to a sideload add-on
  • create bug 1159710 Fix the breadcrumbs on the review page of an unlisted add-on in the editor tools
  • create bug 1159712 When granting a review to an unlisted add-on, redirect to the unlisted queues
  • tag for bulk signing 2015.04.29
    • 47f62d4 Also bump version_int when auto-signing (bug 1158739)
    • f15338e Add the file hash to the update link answer (bug 1158738)
    • a375a61 Add two newlines at the end of the mozilla.sf file (bug 1158938)


Continue ironing out wrinkles in the unlisted add-ons flow... there's a lot left to do (mainly wording).

  • 1121238 Adjust emails sent to developers from the Unlisted Queues


Fix some small bugs on the auto/bulk add-on signing. Also, this is the first attempt at writing down this wiki page! I backfilled some of the last days for good measure.

  • create bug 1158738 When auto-signing files are cached by cdn and it results in hash mismatch
  • create bug 1158739 When auto-signing files the Version.version_int isn't bumped

2015-04-25 (saturday crisis)

It was reported that the signing of the 400 add-ons caused crashes of Firefox versions 28 and below (and derivatives) when doing a version update check. We thus decided to revert the signing of those add-ons until we find a fix for that issue.

  • 1158467 Signed extensions on AMO have invalid signatures
    • create PR #526 to revert auto signing
  • cherry-pick and tag 2015.04.25
    • 0882d3a Revert auto signing (bug 1158467)


The auto/bulk signing script is finally ready to deploy to production after some extensive testing on -dev and stage. The signatures are done correctly, on the published add-ons, with the correct certificate, and the emails are sent to the add-on owners.

We thus decided to push to production, and run the script on a chosen list of 400 add-ons.

  • 1070227 Write a script to sign all existing add-ons (send email to addon owners)
  • cherry-pick and tag 2015.04.24
    • a9638bb Send an email to addon owners after their addon got auto signed (bug 1070227)


Continue working on the unlisted add-ons feature. The tag 2015.04.22 that was planned to be pushed to production was not, because we decided we needed to send mails to the add-on owners.

  • 1156333 Don't review a file if its signing failed

/!\ cannot be cherry-picked on the tag in production, as it touches codes related to unlisted addons, which isn't in production yet.


Continue working on the unlisted add-ons feature. Main change: there's now a waffle flag for the automatic validation feature, in prevision for the push to production of the unlisted add-ons feature. We're not sure the automatic validation will be ready, so it's now disabled by default until we turn the flag on.

It was finally decided that we should only auto/bulk sign add-ons that are compatible with Firefox, and only if

  • they are default to compatible and Firefox version >= 4
  • they aren't default to compatible (binary components or strict compatibility) and Firefox version >= 37

We tagged for a push to stage, and planned a push to production on thursday 2015-04-23.

  • reviewed #515
  • 1148447 Adjust flow to be steps 1 -> 2 -> 3ish -> 7
    • update PR #505 following reviews
  • create bug 1157215 add a waffle flag for the automatic validation
  • committed 343dfec Add lib.crypto.tasks to the CELERY_IMPORTS: celery workers on -dev and stage were failing because this was missing
  • create bug 1157444 Only bulk sign versions that are compatible with recent versions of Firefox
  • cherry-pick and tag 2015.04.22
    • 343dfec Add lib.crypto.tasks to the CELERY_IMPORTS
    • ed854c1 Only bulk sign recent firefox files (bug 1157444)
  • sign_addons bulk signing script tested on:
    • flash-video-downloader: correctly signed all versions above ff10 that were reviewed
    • lookout: correctly didn't sign any version, it's compatible thunderbird and seamonkey only