Add-ons/Webextensions Cutover/Testplan

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Revision History

Date Version Author Description
05/01/2017 1.0 Krupa Raj Created first draft
08/17/2017 1.1 Vasilica Mihasca Updates


In 57, Firefox Desktop Release will only support installation of Webextensions. All legacy extensions will fail to install on all channels except for Nightly. Complete themes support will also cease after 57.

This feature will be implemented in two stages :

Stage 1:

All non-mpc add-ons will be disabled on Nightly by default. This is being tracked at Bug 1352204. Users will be able to enable these disabled add-ons by going to about:config and toggling the pref extensions.allow-non-mpc-extensions to set it to "true"

Stage 2:

This feature will land in 57 and will disable all legacy add-ons on firefox desktop release channel. Users will still be able to install legacy add-ons on Nightly after toggling "extensions.legacy.enabled" pref to true. Android will be unaffected and will continue to allow install of legacy extensions. Dictionaries and Language Packs should still work as always. Support for Complete Themes will fully cease in 57.


This document purports to detail the test approach to the Webextensions Cutover including Entry/Exit criteria, Scope for testing, links to testcases etc

Entry Criteria

  • QA has access to all the PRDs, mocks and related documents
  • The feature has landed on Nightly
  • AMO parts has landed on dev

Exit Criteria

  • All the bugs against the feature have been triaged
  • All the P1/P2 bugs have been fixed
  • All the resolved bugs have been verified by QA
  • The find/fixed rate is going down over a predefined period of time

Acceptance Criteria

This section broadly outlines when the product is ready to ship

  • QA has signed off
  • All the required Telemetry is in place
  • All info is localized at least for a pre-defined set of locales
  • All the necessary PR/blogposts have been sent out


This section describes what parts of the feature will be tested and what parts won't be.

what's in scope?

The compat table listed below should provide all the permutations supported by Firefox and which will in turn get tested before release.

Compat. Table

The table below shows what is installable where when 57 hits the Firefox release channel. NOTE that for a while when 57 is in the Nightly channel, with the pref enabled - install of legacy extensions will fail on Nightly but will be supported on beta and release.

Type Status Nightly Beta, Release
WebExtension Signed by AMO YES YES
Signed by Mozilla internally YES YES
Unsigned YES with pref NO
Unsigned loaded temporarily YES YES
Legacy Extension (bootstrapped, overlay, XUL etc) Signed by AMO YES with pref NO
Signed by Mozilla internally YES YES
Unsigned YES with pref NO
Unsigned loaded temporarily YES NO
WebExtension Experiment Signed by AMO YES NO
Signed by Mozilla internally YES YES
Unsigned YES with pref NO
Unsigned loaded temporarily YES NO
New style static theme Signed by AMO YES YES
Signed by Mozilla internally YES YES
Unsigned YES YES
Unsigned loaded temporarily YES YES
Telemetry Experiments Signed by AMO YES YES
Signed by Mozilla internally YES YES
Unsigned YES with pref YES
Unsigned loaded temporarily YES YES
Legacy lightweight theme Signed by AMO YES YES
Complete Themes Any combination YES with pref NO
Multiple item package Any combination NO NO
Language Pack Any combination YES YES
Dictionaries Any combination YES YES


Awaiting changelist from jorgev


The other things will also get tested is

  • Reverting to an older version of Firefox
  • Switching channels across the same profile
  • Full regression testing for Android

what's out of scope?

  • Security testing
  • Performance testing
  • Testing for ESR


Dev Lead: Andrew Swan; irc nick :aswan
QA Manager: Krupa Raj; irc nick :krupa
QA Lead: Victor Carciu; irc nick :victorc
Webextensions QA: Vasilica Mihasca; irc nick :vasilica_mihasca
Add-ons QA: Valentina Peleski; irc nick :ValentinaV

Requirements for testing


OSes covered: Windows, MacOSX, Linux

Channel dependent settings (configs) and environment setups


  • Stage 1: Set extensions.allow-non-mpc-extensions to false from about:config.
  • Stage 2: Set extensions.legacy.enabled to false from about:config.
  • Starting with 2017-08-12 this feature will be enabled by default.
  • Disable check for signing if testing on AMO dev or stage


  • The feature is enabled by default.
  • [Unbranded build] Disable check for signing if testing on AMO dev or stage

Post Beta / Release

The feature is enabled by default.

Test Strategy

Test Objectives

This section details the progression test objectives that will be covered. Please note that this is at a high level. For large projects, a suite of test cases would be created which would reference directly back to this master. This could be documented in bullet form or in a table similar to the one below.

Ref Function Test Objective Test Type Owners
TO-1 Installing from AMO To verify that legacy add-ons installation is successfully blocked Manual Add-ons QA Team
TO-2 Installing from Discopane To verify that legacy add-ons installation is successfully blocked Manual Add-ons QA Team
TO-3 Installing from Add-ons manager To verify that legacy add-ons installation is successfully blocked Manual Add-ons QA Team
TO-4 Installing via sideloading To verify that legacy add-ons installation is successfully blocked Manual Add-ons QA Team
TO-5 Installing from local files To verify that legacy add-ons installation is successfully blocked Manual Add-ons QA Team
TO-6 Installing from thirdparty To verify that legacy add-ons installation is successfully blocked Manual Add-ons QA Team
TO-7 Add-on updates To verify that legacy add-on is successfully updated to a webextension version Manual Add-ons QA Team
TO-8 Browser upgrade To verify that legacy add-on are successfully disabled and displayed in Legacy Extensions tab Manual Add-ons QA Team
TO-9 Browser downgrade To verify that legacy add-on are successfully enabled and functional Manual Add-ons QA Team


This section should contain links for builds with the feature -

Test Execution Schedule

The following table identifies the anticipated testing period available for test execution.

Project phase Start Date End Date
Start project
Study documentation/specs received from developers
QA - Test plan creation 01-05-2017
QA - Test cases/Env preparation 01-09-2017
QA - Nightly Testing 14-06-2017
QA - Beta Testing
Release Date

Testing Tools

Detail the tools to be used for testing, for example see the following table:

Process Tool
Test plan creation Mozilla wiki
Test case creation TestRail / Google docs / etherpad
Test case execution TestRail
Bugs management Bugzilla / Github



Track the dates and build number where feature was released to Nightly
Track the dates and build number where feature was merged to Aurora
Track the dates and build number where feature was merged to Release/Beta

Risk analysis

This section identified high-risk areas related to testing-

  • Users reverting to an older version of Firefox: Users trying to work around the restrictions may see unexpected regressions related to <bug number>
    • Mitigation strategy: Reverting to an older version/ESR builds will be tested as part of the end-to-end testing of this feature.
  • Switching channels using the same profile may result in unexpected behavior.


* List and links for specs
  wiki -
* bug 1352204 - Only allow webextension and MPC=true (which=no shims) add-ons on Nightly
Full Query
ID Priority Component Assigned to Summary Status Target milestone
1356027 -- Add-ons Manager Andrew Swan [:aswan] Add pref that disables loading any extensions without MPC=true RESOLVED mozilla55
1356462 -- Add-ons Manager Andrew Swan [:aswan] about:addons indications for disabled non-MPC extensions RESOLVED mozilla55
1358620 P1 Add-ons Manager Andrew Swan [:aswan] Add telemetry for non-MPC extensions RESOLVED mozilla55
1359476 P1 Add-ons Manager Andrew Swan [:aswan] Dictionaries are getting disabled as not multi process compatible VERIFIED mozilla55
1360169 -- Add-ons Manager Incorrect error message for ZoomFox add-on in about:addons RESOLVED ---
1360172 -- Add-ons Manager Multiprocess Compatible error displayed for all add-ons and webextensions from about:addons search list RESOLVED ---
1360687 -- Marionette Henrik Skupin [:whimboo][⌚️UTC+1][away 07/22 - 07/26] Update puppeteer notification class for webextension RESOLVED mozilla56

7 Total; 0 Open (0%); 6 Resolved (85.71%); 1 Verified (14.29%);

* bug 1360777 - about:addons indications for disabled legacy extensions
Full Query
ID Priority Component Assigned to Summary Status Target milestone
1359203 P1 Add-ons Manager Andrew Swan [:aswan] Create a preference to control whether legacy extensions may be enabled RESOLVED mozilla55
1371744 P3 Add-ons Manager Andrew Swan [:aswan] Some padding on the legacy extensions page would be nice VERIFIED mozilla56
1371788 -- Add-ons Manager Andrew Swan [:aswan] "Legacy Extensions" title in new panel is hard-coded RESOLVED mozilla55
1372435 -- Add-ons Manager Insufficient padding in the Legacy Extensions view RESOLVED ---
1372645 P2 Add-ons Manager Andrew Swan [:aswan] Upon clicking 'More' link in the Legacy extensions view, the Extensions tab gets highlighted VERIFIED mozilla56
1373019 -- Add-ons Manager Legacy Extensions wonkiness upon toggling the pref with about:addons open RESOLVED ---
1373422 -- Add-ons Manager Non-restartless legacy extensions aren't disabled without a restart RESOLVED ---
1374584 -- Add-ons Manager Andrew Swan [:aswan] ”Find a replacement” button is not readable on hover VERIFIED mozilla56
1374607 P5 Add-ons Manager Legacy add-on installed from disco pane while extensions.legacy.enabled=false RESOLVED ---
1374637 P2 Add-ons Manager Andrew Swan [:aswan] Don't allow the legacy extensions tab to load if it is empty VERIFIED mozilla56
1374732 P2 Add-ons Manager Andrew Swan [:aswan] Don't show the Legacy Extensions notification in the Appearance tab RESOLVED ---
1379952 P5 Add-ons Manager Mark Striemer [:mstriemer] Unreadable font while clicking on “Find a replacement” button VERIFIED mozilla56
1380598 -- Add-ons Manager No “Legacy” badge displayed in “Legacy extensons”/“Unsupported” tab RESOLVED ---
1382642 -- Add-ons Manager With "extensions.legacy.enabled" pref active legacy add-ons can be installed from Add-ons Manager - Search results page RESOLVED ---
1382689 P1 Add-ons Manager Andrew Swan [:aswan] "Remove" button displayed while clicking "More" link from Legacy Extensions tab is not working VERIFIED mozilla57
1382952 -- Add-ons Manager Legacy Extensions tab icon is not deleted after inactivating the legacy pref RESOLVED ---
1384608 P2 Add-ons Manager Andrew Swan [:aswan] Disabled Complete themes are not displayed in Legacy Extensions tab VERIFIED mozilla57
1384610 -- Add-ons Manager Complete theme remains enabled and installed after setting extensions.legacy.enabled to false RESOLVED ---
1384919 -- Add-ons Manager “Undo” button which reverses the “Restart” action makes no sense in Legacy Extensions tab RESOLVED ---
1384940 P5 Add-ons Manager Updated webextension is not automatically moved from Legacy Extensions tab RESOLVED ---
1385251 -- Add-ons Manager Legacy Extensions are not automatically disabled after switching to a build with extensions.legacy.enabled set to false by default RESOLVED ---
1389559 P2 Add-ons Manager Mark Striemer [:mstriemer] Add-ons pane now is extra-wide and has a scrollbar for half-screen-width window sizes, due to "Missing something? Some extensions are no longer supported by Nightly. [Show legacy extensions]" blurb RESOLVED mozilla57
1390132 -- Add-ons Manager No icon displayed for Legacy Extensions tab in Add-ons Manager menu RESOLVED ---
1395892 P3 Add-ons Manager Andrew Swan [:aswan] Some special mozilla extensions are still showing "Legacy" badge in their details page VERIFIED mozilla57
1519056 P2 Add-ons Manager "Missing something? Some [...] are no longer supported by [...]" information doesn't look consistent in Plugins and Extensions tabs in about:addons/Add-ons Manager VERIFIED ---
1519059 P5 Add-ons Manager Legacy Extensions tab style doesn't look consistent with other (Extensions, Themes, Plugins, Dictionaries) tabs style in Add-ons Manager (about:addons) VERIFIED ---

26 Total; 0 Open (0%); 16 Resolved (61.54%); 10 Verified (38.46%);

* bug 1335456 - (tracking) Path to 57
Full Query
ID Priority Component Assigned to Summary Status Target milestone
1181835 P2 Extension Compatibility emanuela [ux] Provide a UI for migrating users' add-ons to webextensions RESOLVED ---
1214433 P4 Untriaged [Tracking] Web Extensions Development RESOLVED ---
1281274 -- Extension Compatibility Deployment Tracker bug - e10s-addons RESOLVED ---
1329713 P5 General [meta] Webextensions Development RESOLVED ---
1336576 P1 Add-ons Manager [meta] Limit add-ons loaded into Firefox RESOLVED ---
1341333 -- Extension Compatibility Compatibility with Firefox updates RESOLVED ---
1346460 P1 Extension Compatibility [meta] Transition support for legacy devs and porting support for Chrome devs RESOLVED ---
1354344 P3 Preferences Mark Striemer [:mstriemer] Show if an extension has set the home page RESOLVED mozilla57
1385202 -- Menus Need a way to manage context menu items. RESOLVED ---

9 Total; 0 Open (0%); 9 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);



Summary of testing scenarios

Test Areas

Test Areas Covered Details
Installation from AMO
Installation from Discopane
Installation from Add-ons Manager
Installation from Third-party
Add-on updates

Test suite

Bug Work

Tracking bug - bug 1360777

Bug fix verification

[Verified] Bug 1308309 - Display permissions prompt for webextensions installed using mozAddonManager

2017-01-10: verified fixed on 53.0a1 across platforms

[Verified] Bug 1308295 - Prompt users with permissions for third-party webextensions installs

2015-04-21: verified fixed on 53.0a1 across platforms
Logged bugs

Bug 1329942 - Misaligned icon and webextension name in permissions doorhanger

Sign off


Check list

  • All test cases should be executed
  • Has sufficient automated test coverage (as measured by code coverage tools) - coordinate with RelMan
  • All blockers, criticals must be fixed and verified or have an agreed-upon timeline for being fixed (as determined by engineering/RelMan/QA)


Nightly testing

List of OSes that will be covered by testing

  • Link for the tests run
    • Full Test suite, use template from link

Merge to Aurora Sign-off List of OSes that will be covered by testing

  • Link for the tests run
    • Full Test suite


Exit Criteria Status Notes/Details
Testing Prerequisites (specs, use cases)
Testing Infrastructure setup
Test Plan Creation
Test Cases Creation
Full Functional Tests Execution
Automation Coverage
Performance Testing
All Defects Logged
Critical/Blockers Fixed and Verified
QA Signoff - Nightly Release Email to be sent
QA Aurora - Full Testing
QA Signoff - Aurora Release Email to be sent
QA Beta - Full Testing
QA Signoff - Beta Release Email to be sent