AsiaCamp2011/Schedule/Product and Technology Track/Building Thunderbird Extensions

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Building Your First Thunderbird Extension

  • Speaker: Siddharth Agarwal
  • Time: 10:00, Sunday 20 November, in Lavender Room
  • Duration: 45 minutes
  • Summary: Web developer but haven't built Mozilla extensions? Veteran Firefox extension developer looking to develop extensions for Thunderbird as well? Thunderbird offers a powerful platform for extensions, and there are plenty of opportunities for you to make your mark. We'll look at the application's general architecture and APIs for common tasks: opening tabs, examining messages and performing global queries using the powerful global database and search engine. Some knowledge of HTML and JavaScript is presumed but everybody's welcome to join in.

The demo extensions are also available on Bitbucket and GitHub.

  • Ideal audience size: 15-20
  • Equipment needs (video projector already included):
  • Submit a question for the speaker here: Etherpad