Breakpad/Status Meetings/2010-Jun-02

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  • Staging / testing status?
    • lars: NFS stuff?
    • QA asked to start testing stage
  • Likely release date: we've been asked to wait a week after 3.6.4, which is earliest Friday June 4 (chofmann, updates?), so looking at Thur 10 or Tue 15 at this stage. (Other possibility if 3.6.4 is going to slip a lot is to ship this beforehand)
    • Metrics will need to revisit our Q2 goals since it seems unlikely we'll be able to hit them with this release date.
  • Will be upgrading staging HBase cluster to a RC of HBase 0.20.5 so we can smoke test in preparation for upgrading Production as part of 1.7 push.
  • Will start running the production JSON fix M/R job this afternoon to validate initial results and to determine expected time to completion. Execution of the rest of the job should begin tomorrow morning.


  • bugs
  • Some concern about shipping this in Q2, given the timeline for 1.7 and its dependency on 3.6.4. How does this affect the Metrics/IT goals?
  • bug 521351? (Is collector Apache config in svn anywhere?)

2.0 planning

  • PRD draft almost complete
  • Next step: mocks from chowse


  • Skiplist bugs for us, TB related
  • Request filter by hangs/crashes/firefox only and filter by buildid (bug 540687, slated for 1.8) on topcrashers (chofmann)

Other issues

  • ozten:
    • 1 Selenium test, IT bug 569008 for creating an SVN repo for tests.
    • Currently testing ADU offset timing