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Talking about the Summit.

Kyle - Got a much clearer picture of Mozilla's overall goals and direction.

Liz - Triaging and learning more detail. FF Untriaged is at ~1750. Talk at the summit about stuff you can do in BMO was appreciated. Good discussion and sharing of process. Bzdeck is pretty neat (though it is read only) It looks especially nice on FirefoxOS phone.

glob - Feedback about bugzilla is much more positive than it used to be. Performance is better! Even though the rate of bugs incoming, traffic on BMO, amount of bugmail has been going up a lot.

Liz remarks that people aren't hating on Bugzilla as much. It can be seen as pleasingly retro. As long as we aren't sitting there staring at Chompy for minutes on end.

There are a lot of things Bugzilla does that people don't know about and it is valuable to explain what you do.

To do: document x-headers Look in the bmo extension email template and in other files.

Brief discussion of Bugzilla tags. Tagging stuff got rewritten betwen 4.2 and 4.4. It is in upstream but we haven't backported it to bmo which is on 4.2 goes out of the footer into a proper field.

BMO will be changing from tables to divs so we will have a responsive design that will enable things like looking better on small screen devices. It will be useful for the user roles implementation. Roadmap for bmo is being fleshed out (by glob) and will be on the wiki soon.

Positive feedback on the mozilla skin at the summit, may port it (changed) to upstream. Is there a licensing issue? We should check.