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Sunbird Testing

This page is intended for people who wish to help test Sunbird in preparation for upcoming releases. The current goal is to focus testing mainly on the back-end.

Basic usage
Test Description Outcome
Event creation Sunbird should be able to create an event lasting any duration and at any date
Task creation Sunbird should be able to create an task lasting any duration and at any date, or without a start and/or due date
Event editing Events should be able to be edited. Changes made when editing an event should be saved.
Task editing Tasks should be able to be edited. Changes made when editing a tasks should be saved.
Deleting Tasks/Events should be able to be deleted.
Clipboard Tasks/Events should be able to be altered by using cut, copy and paste.
  • This isn't easy to do for tasks, because of bug 195580

Test Description Outcome
Daily Events/tasks should be able to recur every X days
Weekly Events/tasks should be able to recur every X weeks, including on multiple days of the week
Monthly Events/tasks should be able to recur every X months, on a specific day of the month
Monthly 2 Events/tasks should be able to recur every X months on the Nth (weekday) of a month
Yearly Events/tasks should be able to recur every X years
Exceptions An arbitrary number of exceptions should be able to be created and respected, for any recurring event

Test Description Outcome
Local Calendar Creation Local Calendars should be able to be created, assigned a name, and assigned a color
Webdav Calendar Creation Webdav Calendars should be able to be created for any web address, assigned a name, and assigned a color
Caldav Calendar Creation Caldav Calendars should be able to be created for any web address, assigned a name, and assigned a color.
Calendar editing Any calendar should be able to be edited. Changes made in the Calendar Properties dialog should be properly saved.
Remote subscribing Sunbird should be able to subscribe to a remote calendar and properly display the events/tasks it contains.

Test Description Outcome
0.2 Migration You should be able to migrate data created in Sunbird 0.2 to 0.3PR. Choose 'File->Import' and import any calendars you may have created. Events should be successfully imported
Item data Check to make sure all aspects of an imported event were successfully imported. Check to make sure the event is displayed with the proper time
Outlook import Export data created in Outlook in .csv format and then import this data into Sunbird. Perform the previous checks.
  • Sunbird can currently only import from English or Dutch versions of Outlook (Bug 301750)

Test Description Outcome
.ics export Sunbird should be able to export its data in a standards compliant .ics format. Export your data and attempt to import into another program
Item data Check to make sure all aspects of an exported event were successfully exported. Check to make sure the event is exported with the proper time
.html export Sunbird should be able to export data in a .html format. Export your data and try viewing the output in a web-browser
  • Only the title, location, and event-times are shown

Test Description Outcome
http publishing Sunbird should be able to publish an entire calendar or a selected set of events to an http address
ftp publishing Sunbird should be able to publish an entire calendar or a selected set of events to an ftp address
password protection Sunbird should be able to publish an entire calendar or a selected set of events to a server that requires password authentication
subscribing Sunbird should be able to subscribe to a published calendar
Error reporting
Test Description Outcome
Invalid file Sunbird should report to the user when a file can't be parsed. The calendar should be placed in read-only mode
Offline failure Sunbird should report that a remote calendar cannot be read when internet access in not available. The calendar should be placed in read-only mode
Publish failure Sunbird should report when publishing a calendar fails, for any reason such as insufficient permissions. The calendar should be placed in read-only mode
Backup files Backup files should be made prior to every change to an ICS calendar, and 3 copies should always be kept.