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Volunteer Survey

The following survey is sent by email to each volunteer who is either discovered or referred to the Community Program.

1) As a member of the Mozilla community, what are all the roles that could categorize your involvement with Mozilla? Select more than one if appropriate.
[ ] Client Application Developer
[ ] Extension Developer
[ ] Web Tool Developer
[ ] Q/A
[ ] Localizer
[ ] Evangelist (like Spread Firefox or other Mozilla campaigns)
[ ] Other [Fill in the blank]

2) Irrespective of any particular release, what aspects of the Mozilla project are you working on right now. Please be as specific as possible.
[Fill in the blank]

3) What are your biggest obstacles to working on the Mozilla Project?
[ ] Hardware requirements
[ ] Software requirements
[ ] In need of academic or scholarship support
[ ] In need of professional development support (i.e. conference attendance, workshops, travel support)
[ ] Grant money to support initiatives
[ ] Other [Fill in the blank] (For example, your response might include something like travel to meet/collaborate with others in your area maybe? Or, improved internet connection? Or, web site hosting? etc.)

4) Specifically, what could you use to overcome your daily challenges related to working on Mozilla?
[Fill in the blank]

5) Do you have any ideas on how to empower others in the Mozilla Community? (i.e. projects or ideas that will benefit others and build a sense of community)

6) Do you have any thoughts about how money should be used by Mozilla to support the volunteer community?
[ ] I am generally skeptical of involving grants, donations or in-kind support open-source. It may cause disruption
[ ] Indifferent
[ ] Given properly, some type of support is acceptable and will be received well by the open-source community

7) Would you like to explain question 6 further?
[Fill in the blank]

8) If you know of other key contributors who would be interested in this project, please list them below.
[Please enter e-mail here]

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