Contribute/Combined Working Group/Meetings/2014-08-28

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Education/Pathways/Recognition 3-in-1 WG Meeting

Every other Thursday:

11am PDT/ 18:00 UTC

Larissa's Vidyo room:   
If you do not have a user account, please enter your name in the "Guest Name" field and then click "Join". 

MTV physical room: Hulk SF physical room: Angela Davis (if you add another Mozilla space physical room, share it on the agenda!)

Check out the working group meetups wiki and the associated roadmaps:

Most recent  meetup summary wiki:
Education roadmap:
Pathways roadmap:
Recognition roadmap:

Please check out the projects (which are in bugzilla) and add yourself  to the cc list for any project you are interested in. We want all of  your voices and and amazing efforts in these projects!


August 28:


"Im _(name/twitterhandle/mozillians)____ at Mozilla I participate by ____ and something I do for fun is ___"

"Im Emma @sunnydeveloper /  at Mozilla I participate by building community, championing Web Literacy with Webmaker, mentoring and helping with Reps Council and something I do for fun is Hike tall hills "

I'm Lyre / @CaptainCalliope / At Mozilla I participate by getting ahead of problems no one realizes are coming and cutting them off at the pass all ninja-like, and something I do for fun is drink lots and lots of tea.

I'm Larissa / @larissashapiro / / At Mozilla I participate by partnering with people around the project on community building and contributor development including leading the pathways working group. My superpower is sudden random highly technical information. Something I do for fun is grow and eat tomatoes and beans. 

"I'm Jennie / @little_wow/ At Mozilla I run a diverse set of projects, many of which are fun. For fun, I nurture a variety of quirky hobbies, like singing jazz, running, tap dancing, gardening, volunteering, and cooking bland vegetarian food for large groups of people. I love potlucks a lot.

I'm Michelle Marovich/ I hate Twitter/ at Mozilla, I work on the community building team, helping us become more effective in getting people involved.  I love recognition as well.  My superpower is clarity from chaos, and for fun, I read and hang out with my family.  

I'm Janet /@jmswisher/ At Mozilla I help people get involved with MDN and Evangelism and something I do for fun is Aikido (a Japanese martial art)+1!.

I'm WilliamR /@dailycavalier at Mozilla I participate by helping with community tools for Mozillians. Something I do for fun is visit fancy hot chocolate cafes when I travel.

Hi I'm Lucy I work on the Maker Party campaign from the Toronto office for fun I like to cook, travel and swim. I am desperately clinging to the last few weeks of Canadian summer here in Toronto. 

Hi I'm @Caneel / (needs mozilla posts i know!) / I wrangle content for Grow (formerly Mozcamp) / i like rock and roll

I'm mhoye, @mhoye and and yo dawg I heard you like mhoye.

I'm Srikar , @imasrikar and  You can call me as Sri. I love contributing to CBT , for fun I like to contribute more and more :)

I'm Dino (very late to meet!), @dino, I wirk on Diversity and Inclusion (D&I), manager development/hacking, For fun I like to eat. 

Stand up share on progress around each project:
Bug #
What is status?
What is next?
What are blockers?

Pathways to Community Building
Status: Not started

  • Get project plan into bug
  • Ask people to follow bug and contribute

What are blockers?

Example pathways and a template that is Beautiful
Status: In Progress

  • template creation
  • documented Dev Rel and community building pathways as examples
  • Share meeting details here for other participation!


Our new roadmap

Help support UX for on Mozillians
Status: Planning


  • None Identified as of today, will be struggling through socialization so that we can get buy in. (what are the anticipated challenges / objections?) Reaching the right people, getting people with UX skills engaged to contribute.
  • Relaunch of!! 

Vouching as "Testimonials" on
Status: In progress

  • 45 new vouches created since Monday's meeting


  • blog About Community: around how to write a good testimonial vouch and why
  • Invitation to share vouches that were meaningful back with the project
  • William to create bugs to update vouching instructions and add an opt-in to have your vouch displayed publicly

Get recognition preferences added to
Bug #
Status: Not started

  • Need update from William about if this is possible in 2014
  • Create specifications around this for Community Tools review

Blocked: Community Tools, buying in and adding to their roadmap. Which I'm hopeful for.


Here are the bugs:

Create a resource index:

Hold a Work Open Doc Sprint:

Create an Intro to Community/FLOSS Sprint for new hires:

Create a Mozilla Survival Guide:

Capture Local Community Norms and Processes:

Document team communication processes:


  • Add any additional items for discussion here!
  • Projected Impact for the projects on the organization-- 
    • need data that will feed into that
    • if you see the potential for major impact in the project from one of the things that we are working on
    • Difference between showing impact and justifying your work
    • Show them what the work does, not justify why it's important.  Illustrate that through adoption of standards and resources developed by this group.
    • If you see someone using the work we are doing in a way that helps them, please share.  
  • GROW meeting-- what do we want to share with them?  What do we want to ask them to do as a result?
    • We can discuss what we want to share out with the whole team
    • 1 next thing that people should/could contribute to
  • Caneel:  New GROW program
    • Bringing community together to solve known problems and fill known needs that make an impact on the goals
      • how will we surface that?
      • what do people need to learn in order to help problem solves
    • Modular library of content for pathways and community building-- We are interested in sharing resources between the education working group.  

Suggestions for next meeting