Contribute/Workshops/Metrics for growth/SelfDirectedSyllabus

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Anyone at Mozilla - module owner, newcomer, veteran, staff, volunteer should feel welcome to initiate or run the Designing for Participation Workshop.

Purpose & Goals

what's the goal of this workshop?

The Identifying Contributors workshop is a sequel to the Designing For Participation and the Identifying Contributors workshops. The Metrics for Growth workshop was created to help Mozilla community members think about how measure - and this improve - the size, nature, contribution rate and overall happiness of their pool of contributors. As such the workshop has these goals:

  • foster a conversation where best practices and ideas can be surfaced and critically assessed, particularly around how suggestion may or may not be relevant to areas the participants work on
  • provide participants with action items they can take back to where they contribute to Mozilla that will help improve how they measure community participation
  • share differing experiences, perceptions, challenges and opportunities around effective metrics as understood by managers, employees, staff, volunteers, newcomers and veteran contributors.

who should participate?

Almost anyone at Mozilla should feel like this is open to them. "Roles" that might want to participate or lead this workshop include:

  • module owners
  • newcomers
  • veterans
  • staff
  • volunteers
  • managers

Some of the more common questions participants often have that make them a good fit for the course include:

  • We are starting a new product/activity/function and want to think about how we can encourage community participation
  • I'd like to understand if our community is growing/shrinking
  • I'd like to try to experiment more around community participation and want to know what the impact will be
  • I need to expand the scope of our work without increasing the financial resources I have
  • I’m a manager and I'd like some tools for thinking about how to evaluate how effectively those who work for me create space and opportunity for community participation.
  • I've just been asked to expand our community participation, what do I do?
  • I'm a long time contributor with lots of thoughts how we could manage community more effecitvely
  • I need to expand the scope of our work without increasing our groups financial resources

slide Deck

The slides for this presentation can be downloaded here in


identify goals

Please start by watching video number 1.

As per the video, please write down 1-4 goals that you have for this workshop


Please look at the following four dashboards used to assess and/or encourage participation in open source projects


What would make these dashboards useful to:

  • a community manager?
  • to a contributor?


video number 2.

Follow up Activity

Brainstorm three things that would make a dashboard useful to:

  • a community manager or head of a module/project
  • a contributor to a project

second activity

Please watch video number 3.

Funnels of Engagement

The engagement funnels for several Mozilla projects have already been mapped. You can use one these as a template to create your own and even add it to the wiki page as a reference.


Map out what the funnel of engagement might be for your part of the Mozilla project.


Please watch video number 4.

Please feel free to send questions or ideas to david <a>

You may also find the follow up workshop Identifying Contributors to be interesting.