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Welcome to the Drumbeat Festival Awesome Sandbox

Coming out of the Mozilla Summit, we have a lot of energy and ideas flying around for what would make the first annual Drumbeat Festival awesome.  It's going to take a little while to set up our full planning infrastructure and team, but we don't want to lose any momentum or inspiration. 

If you have or hear about awesome ideas for the Festival, please list them here.  Please include a brief description of your idea, your name and email in the "someone [at] domain [dot] org format" and include relevant links.  The Festival team will get back to you and work to incorporate the most awesome of awesome ideas into the Festival.

Awesome Festival Ideas

  • Carnival Shootout - we would have few targets with Open Web enemies' logos and would have to hit them all in order to win some symbolic prize - Kerim, kerim [at] mozilla [dot] ba
  • Army of Awesome badges/stickers - playing off the Army of Awesome Meme from the Summit, I'd like to get a Mozilla Army of Awesomes sticker for attending.
  • music festival/concert/party (friday or saturday night?) with arduino bands (http://telenoika.net, http://luthiersdrapaires.wordpress.com/, etc.), creative commons bands and dj's with reactables (http://www.reactable.com/) in a drumbeat party.
  • night hacking challenges (kind of facebook garage) for implementing the ideas explained during the day at night with beers and pizza in a nice environment with sofas, etc
  • some technical sessions about what are the new video formats, how they will work on HTML5, etc. or other....
  • Project Drumbot
    • Run a "build a robot drummer" competition via Instructables or the like. Participants would need to document the building process so that other people could copy the robot.
    • Here are some Instructables Robot Drummers:
    • The robocross Robot Drummer - I mentioned this in the community call Robot Drummer
      • I can make contact with Robocross and find out what their booking needs and costs are. If nothing else we can make a video talking about how they learnt to build robots and tips for people starting out.
    • The Trons - a robot band from New Zealand The Trons
  • Open space session about Drumbeat or even the whole thing (Learning, freedom and the web) --Esenabre 09:14, 15 July 2010 (UTC)
  • Speed dating but not people but project centred, where instead of talking about yourself you have to talk about your projects or the ones you're involved in.
  • stolen from drumbeat nyc ideas
    • -four clearly delineated segments -culminates in solutions -accept donations? -lots of interactivity/ARG -party poppers and black lights -jargon horn (and jargon cloud) -opposite hour -portal to boston (where else?) -recursive leaderboards, nametags, stamps -prizes, online and off
    • not another boring tech meet up -we're bringing fresh blood in -prizes to bring a friend -fun, surprising, unexpected -entertaining; moderation is spontaneous like UCB theater -atmosphere of entertainment; neon dinosaur at entrance -catching ideas and energy and saving them in the dbeat stream
  • music festival/concert/party (friday or saturday night?) with arduino bands (http://telenoika.net, http://luthiersdrapaires.wordpress.com/, etc.), creative commons bands and dj's with reactables (http://www.reactable.com/) in a drumbeat party.
  • on the street, for involving kids and non-tech people, there could be a kind of prototyping party with cardboard. there's this community from Moscow named Cardboardia, they're quite amazing: http://vimeo.com/groups/27676/videos/6812711 --Esenabre 13:28, 28 July 2010 (UTC)
  • night hacking challenges (kind of facebook garage) for implementing the ideas explained during the day at night with beers and pizza in a nice environment with sofas, etc
  • some technical sessions about what are the new video formats, how they will work on HTML5, etc. or other....

People worth inviting

  • Telecentre.org Academy
  • Sugata Mitra, Hole in the Wall +1
  • Paul Kim, CTO, Stanford University School of Education, Pocket School program
  • Gever Tulley, head of Tinkering School http://www.tinkeringschool.com/
  • Michel Bauwens The Foundation for P2P Alternatives
  • Brian Lamb Edupunk :)