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2015 Resource Links

CBT 2014 Resources Links


As a key part of participation-design, community education curates education & training opportunities as away to provide greater impact to project goals, while lending to personal development goals of volunteers.

In collaboration with project and initiative owners education and professional development opportunities will empower the success, and quality of community participation project-wide.

Community are more Successful in their chosen areas of participation.

Pilots/Experiments are implemented with greater efficiency, professionalism and by committed community with relevant skills.

Functional area contribution pathways, and participation opportunities generate more and higher quality contributions through deliberate education & recognition opportunities.

Q1 Goals

Key Initiatives

Q2 Goals

Key Initiatives

Narrative: At Mozilla, we have a long history in designing pathways. Name the 'participation component' and most likely people have been working very hard on that thing, a few times over, in various silos for a number of years. We've also measured our success, surveyed it - integrated metrics - and shared results on calls, blogs, tweets. We've even hired others to survey 'how our community feels' so we can measure even more. But here's the thing... there's no actual participation infrastructure. What we're evaluating is a collected of (often) independent team effort. There is no whole, there is no center or base.

It's a vicious circle of effort, gain and loss for community and teams. Scaling participation means making it remixable, forkable and extendable. The quality and intention of learning opportunities is dependent on model design.

Q2 is a proof of concept Based on success, and learning from Marketpulse in Q1, Q2 is about lending success to short-term goals of Marketpulse, while building out a first model of participation infrastructure as a longer-term strategic goal to improve(in a big way) the cycle of participation design at Mozilla.

Q2 Goals

  • Create one Participation Model for Marketpulse goals. With a clear goal that these be easily reusable(forkable) , extendable (think base-class) and remixable. Present to participation team, and one other project area for feedback and iteration for Q3.
  • Education Plugin, design and implement a process that allows anyone across the project to hook their project into Community Education.
  • Create a Quality Assurance Process for Educational Platform & Content
  • Support Reps Initiatives/Educational Requests (Leadership Training leveraging this work from the Foundation)


  • One Participation Model leveraging existing and new resources based on Marketpulse requirements.
    • Remixable, and Forkable.
  • Documented Design and implementation of participation ladder(s) for Marketpulse - reflecting our goals for the virtuous. Leverages connected learning model.
  • Documented Design and implementation of participation 'steps' as part of participation ladder for marketpulse.
  • Documentation and support for education plug-in, with Educational content created by PR. (working with Lucy). FFSA has also requested this.
  • Documented, clear QA process - implemented by end of Q2
  • Supported Reps initiatives (responsiveness)



‘Community’ refers to all staff and volunteers.

Educational Resources

Refers to any and all educational & training material we develop for targeted community and/or project outcomes. In many cases we will leverage all, or a portion of existing resources from inside, and/or outside the project.

Educational Resources will be built to be as modular as possible, providing reusable content for other initiatives, and to support variety of designs (ie learning ladders ) and recognition.

Educational Resources will target learning-outcomes most-needed for community participation in alignment with project and functional area goals.

Open Educational Resources (OER)

‘Open Educational Resources’ unless otherwise specified, are developed in the open, and using best practices for sharing educational content across the web. See P2PU for more on learning communities & open content.

OER Platform

TBA, currently evaluating 'Course in a Box' from P2PU - Demo. Also evaluating how we can collaborate with Webmaker on a central repository for educational material.

Community Personas

In Portland we decided that when building educational content, we needed to be mindful of the 'Personas' we were building for. This also helps us better define metrics and promotion of opportunity.

Volunteer Personas

Mozilla Reps Active & Currently Inactive Mozilla Reps.

Mozilla Rep Mentors Active & Inactive Mozilla Rep Mentors

Mozilla Rep Council Members Current and former Mozilla Rep Council Members

Mozilla Contributors Active and inactive Mozilla contributors

Potential Mozilla Contributors People interested in getting involved contributing to Mozilla

Staff Personas

Functional Area Lead An individual person, or team representing evolution of educational material for their functional area.

Functional Area Staff Individuals working in a functional area, but without direct involvement in the creation of educational materials.

Mozilla General Staff Staff, related, or unrelated to educational initiatives.

Pilot/Experiment Owner The individual or collective responsible for defining pilot outcome-goals.

Community Education Roles

Individuals and groups important and need for successful curation, development and maintenance of educational resources and opportunity. This was also the 'In Collaboration With' sticky note column from Portland.

Education Manager Curates Open Educational Resources for the benefit of of Functional Areas goals, Community development and Pilot impact.

Community Education Contributor Community participant working with Education Manager to curate, develop and implement education initiatives. These could span all variety of community personas (identified below)

Community Education Partner - Mozilla Individual or group in Mozilla, but outside of CDT invested in collaborating, sharing, developing and implementing delivery of Educational Resources. This could be groups like Webmaker and MDN.

Community Education Partner - External Individual or group, external to Mozilla, in the Open Education, Open Source or other ‘Open’ initiative, interested in partnering for the curation, sharing, developing or delivery of Educational Resources. These could be groups like Open Hatch and P2PU, the Open Data community.

Note: We already have some early goals for working with External Partner 'Open Hatch'

Delivery Method

This was the 'How' in Portland. When curating resources, best possible efforts will be made to provide content appopriate in all of these formats.

Online - Self Study Resources designed to empower self-study and self-assessment.

Online - Instructor Lead Leveraging Self-Study resources, Education Manager and Education Contributors can run online courses leveraging Community tools such as Discourse.

Offline - Event-Based Leveraging Resources designed for online and self study combined with existing resources appropriate for events (Ice breakers etc).


Where possible, and agreeable to those involved of it’s value - recognition will be built into education resources. The modular approach to course development and delivery will permit greater opportunity for recognition, as well as a vision for the next learning challenge.

Current Ideas (including the option of creating 'personalized recognition' aka 'choose the way you want to be recognized' )

Digital badges It is very simple to create and award digital badges at Mozilla.

Actual Badges An early comment from our survey is that ‘paper certificates’ are of value, but another suggestion has been to provide actual badges. We will recognize completion of some educational training by rewarding physical badges. I personally think this would be awesome as a motivator.

Role Title For those dedicated to specific initiatives and functional areas, who have completed a set number of requirements (idea only at this point)

Credits All educational material curated with community will be credited (with their approval) with full name.