Engagement/MDN Durable Team/Accountability/2016

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2016 Q4

Area Objective Key Result(s)
Coordination with Developer Marketing Sign up 150,000 developers for a web-development focused email newsletter
  • 50,000 sign-ups for a web-development focused email newsletter via MDN.
Content Increase number of successful sessions per year by xx%#1 by 2018
  • Deliver 3 reports covering a) stakeholder agreed upon strategy for MDN for 2017 and beyond, b) resource needs to execute on this strategy, and c) define and agree on 3-5 objectives for MDN in 2017
  • Deliver 20 reference pages and 5 tutorials about security-related features of HTTP. (Next step of what has been defined in Q3 research)
  • In the Learning Area, publish 12 tutorials about testing, accessibility and Web APIs
  • Publish documentation for all identified P1 topics of WebExtensions.
  • Evaluate and document the 76 new developer features of Firefox 50 by the release#2 of Firefox 50.
  • Evaluate and document the 77* new developer features of Firefox 51 by the release 50.0.1#3
Development Move MDN to a sustainable tech stack (ensure uptime doesn't go below 99.9%)
  • Complete at least the top 5 of 8 prioritized key items listed in the MDN development plan to move MDN over to AWS
Coordination with Brand Marketing Get xx%#1 of MDN visitors to understand that MDN is powered by Mozilla (currently 52%)
  • Achieve xx% click-through rate on MDN home page for the End of Year Donation campaign
Community Set up community strategy
  1. Actual target will be determined once 2017 strategy is defined.
  2. The discovery phase is not terminated yet (as the Nightly cycle finished Tuesday Sept. 20th); this number will slightly go up (by experience: 5-10%)
  3. We are playing catch-up. In the future we want to be ready by the release of Beta, and we are using the longer 52 cycle to resync. Hence this unusual deadline. Firefox 50.0.1 is the current name of an intermediary release; it may be renamed by the product teams.

Initiatives and Deliverables

What are initiatives and deliverables?

2016 Q3

Area Initiative Deliverable(s)
Meta Define a clear set of goals for MDN and a roadmap to achieve them that support our overall Developer Marketing priorities.
  • Roadmap that represents the strategic contribution of MDN to Developer Marketing objectives and KPIs;
  • establish baseline for Successful Sessions KPI
Development Move MDN to a sustainable technology stack.
  • Transition away from Persona.
  • Establish a development environment using Docker.
Content Complete, simplify, and extend the reach of the documentation of core web technologies for mainstream Web developers.
  • HTTP basics (To be delivered this quarter);
  • JS introduction (To be delivered this quarter);
  • page structure updated for HTML reference (To be started this quarter);
  • overview written for most-requested APIs (To be started this quarter).
Community Taking stock

2016 Q2

Area Initiative Deliverable(s)
Meta Define a clear set of goals for MDN and a roadmap to achieve them that furthers our overall Developer Marketing priorities. Goals and roadmap
Development Mitigate our current spam problem so users continue to trust MDN. Implementation of spam mitigation solution
Content Establish value proposition for web developers & designers to build, test and debug websites and web apps across browsers. MDN content focus on cross-browser APIs, Web Extensions, and Dev Tools