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Firefox for iOS, v1.0, Risk Profile= At Risk but within bounds

IOS,Desktop Yellow Risk.png

Risk Profile Change?

Yes, it moved from Red to Yellow this week given the schedule shift to June 2nd

Why Yellow?

The project will be at a ‘Yellow’ risk level until the very end, as we will be working until the last possible moment to ensure the release is a fully featured as possible for V1

Highlights and Accomplishments

  1. Team is maintaining a high velocity to deliver as many features as possible
  2. The dog fooding program is gaining momentum with participation is steadily increasing
  3. Clear Private Data & Managing Bookmarks Locally (Delete) are being decomposed, and will be partially completed for V1.0
  4. Offline Reading & Send Tab To will still to be completed IF time allows (but are not to be prioritized above other confirmed features)
  5. L10N Status continues to be at risk; translation is still ongoing in iterative fashion. Status can be seen on the dashboard. 31 Locales have now opted-in
  6. Final string freeze is still a tentative target of May 1st, but as noted above, at risk features for V1.0 will continue to be added late in the game to try and release an as fully-featured product as possible
  7. Build System Challenges - this area has been notably better this past week, and has not taken any significant time away from feature development

Next Steps and Go to Green Plan

  1. Creating a granular end-game for iOS; things like app store content, marketing, SUMO
  2. Team is orienting priorities to getting features that have strings/front-end
  3. l10n team has shifted from a monolothic model of translation to an iterative one so strings are translated as they land
  4. Team is being very proactive with dogfooding and getting builds out to the testing team quickly and providing rapid responses to bugs and usability issues

Read Jenn's Status:

Firefox for Android, v38.0, Risk Profile = Almost on track


Risk Profile Change?

No, Fennec has maintained a steady risk profile. It will stay until end-to-end testing begins and we get more data on the code that has landed. The next phase of this aspect of the project is testing and convergence

Why Yellow/Green?

Because although the Reading List/Reader View work has landed, we need to test and evaluate quality

Highlights and Accomplishments

Key pieces for campaign focus have all been landed, but currently turned off. Production endpoints are now available for connected reading list, so we will be turning this on in nightly this week to get a feel for how it is functioning. It will NOT be turned on in Beta 1 to give it some time to bake, but is instead targeted to be functional for Beta 2

Next Steps and Go to Green Plan

  1. Remaining work is being tracked via bug 1123101
  2. Full end-to-end testing with production endpoints for synced Reading List
  3. Will monitor fix rate vs. incoming bugs as well as regressions and bounce backs
  4. Healthy balance of the above along with good stability (1.5 crashes or less per 100 ADU) will keep this feature ‘on track’

Firefox for Desktop, v38.0 - Reading List and Reader View Risk Profile = At risk

IOS,Desktop Yellow Risk.png

Risk Profile Change?

Yes, it moved from Red to Yellow this week given the schedule shift to June 2nd

Why Yellow?

This project is Yellow or 'At risk' because we're just about to hit feature complete and though we allowed more time in the schedule for polish and testing, we'll just begin end-to-end testing next week. The risk profile will shift either positively or negatively based upon testing (and resulting convergence)

Highlights and Accomplishments

  1. Heroic effort on part of Desktop Dev team 1 week previous made a huge dent and got us within striking distance of feature complete
  2. Down to 1 blocker for sync'd RL/RV:
  3. jaws was an uplift *machine* uplifting most, if not all, core patches in the last 24 hours

Next Steps and Go to Green Plan

  1. Continue working on UI tour and prioritized bugs to ensure fit and finish
  2. Test desktop <=> desktop, android <=> desktop, android <=> android (possibly automated)
  3. Test results and resulting convergence will determine risk going forward
  4. Open bug count is at 15; (based on info from Services team, hypothesis open oauth bugs don't reflect current functionality)

Firefox for Desktop, v38.0 - Room Sharing for Hello, Risk Profile = On Track


Risk Profile Change?

No, Hello has been Green or 'On Track' for about 2 weeks

Why Green?

String freeze declared on time. Tab sharing has been uplifted and the feature is ready for end-to end testing, it may shift to Yellow depending upon incoming defect reports

Next Steps

  1. Stay on top of incoming bugs and issues
  2. Will monitor fix rate vs. incoming bugs as well as regressions and bouncebacks
  3. Healthy balance of the above along with good stability will keep this feature ‘on track’

Firefox Developer Edition, v40.0, Risk Profile = No risk profile, yet. Ramping up, Fx40 will be Nightly as of 03/30 which will trigger Red/Yellow/Green status


Risk Profile Change?

No, but risk profile will change once Fx40 is in Nightly


Intended scope includes: iOS debugging, enabling the performance tools, and improve firebug.

Next Steps

  1. This project will flip to ‘yellow’ post-merge and will be evaluated after 1-2 weeks of Nightly usage; risk profile will then be evaluated based upon code landing and quality