Firefox OS/Comms/Dialer/Sprint/v2.2-S6

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File:Dialer v2.2-S6 burndown chart.png

  • <POINTS>,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

Bugs Taken in Planning

Full Query
ID Assigned to Summary Blocking b2g Feature-b2g Whiteboard Status Resolution
1106175 Tamara Hills [:thills] Conference group participants list is misaligned in RTL --- No cf_feature-b2g [planned-sprint c=1] VERIFIED FIXED
1112242 Gabriele Svelto [:gsvelto] (PTO) [Dialer][Call Log] Call Log is not synced with Contact when adding/deleting second phone number 2.2+ No cf_feature-b2g [2.2-exploratory-2][planned-sprint c=3] VERIFIED DUPLICATE
1112577 Gabriele Svelto [:gsvelto] (PTO) CallLogDB transactions are not atomic --- No cf_feature-b2g [planned-sprint c=3] RESOLVED FIXED
1126368 Tamara Hills [:thills] [RTL] "Conference (2)" string is not right-aligned when you have a conference + another call --- No cf_feature-b2g [2.2-bug-bash][planned-sprint c=1] VERIFIED FIXED
1126374 Tamara Hills [:thills] [RTL] "Call ended" overlaps the phone number on the Call screen when you have multiple calls --- No cf_feature-b2g [2.2-bug-bash][planned-sprint c=3] VERIFIED FIXED
1129339 Doug Sherk (:drs) (inactive) [Flame][Dialer]The text in context menu button disappears. 2.2+ No cf_feature-b2g [planned-sprint c=1] VERIFIED FIXED

6 Total; 0 Open (0%); 1 Resolved (16.67%); 5 Verified (83.33%);

Bugs Taken but not Completed

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Bugs Taken During Sprint

Full Query
ID Assigned to Summary Blocking b2g Feature-b2g Whiteboard Status Resolution
1126378 Augustin Trancart [:autra] [RTL] "ICE contacts" overlaps the arrow in the Emergency dialer --- No cf_feature-b2g [2.2-bug-bash] VERIFIED FIXED
1126538 Salvador de la Puente González [:salva] [Dialer][Text Selection] Pressing a key in the dialer always adds the digit at the end of the current number instead of inserting it at the caret position 2.2+ No cf_feature-b2g VERIFIED FIXED
1131492 Augustin Trancart [:autra] [RTL][Dialer]The position of buttons on toolbar is mirrored at active call screen. --- No cf_feature-b2g VERIFIED FIXED
1131631 Tamara Hills [:thills] [Dialer] bdi tag remains in conference call participants screen --- No cf_feature-b2g VERIFIED FIXED

4 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 4 Verified (100%);

All Issues for this Sprint

Full Query
ID Assigned to Summary Blocking b2g Feature b2g Whiteboard Status Resolution
1106175 Tamara Hills [:thills] Conference group participants list is misaligned in RTL --- 2.2+ [planned-sprint c=1] VERIFIED FIXED
1112242 Gabriele Svelto [:gsvelto] (PTO) [Dialer][Call Log] Call Log is not synced with Contact when adding/deleting second phone number 2.2+ --- [2.2-exploratory-2][planned-sprint c=3] VERIFIED DUPLICATE
1112577 Gabriele Svelto [:gsvelto] (PTO) CallLogDB transactions are not atomic --- --- [planned-sprint c=3] RESOLVED FIXED
1126368 Tamara Hills [:thills] [RTL] "Conference (2)" string is not right-aligned when you have a conference + another call --- 2.2+ [2.2-bug-bash][planned-sprint c=1] VERIFIED FIXED
1126374 Tamara Hills [:thills] [RTL] "Call ended" overlaps the phone number on the Call screen when you have multiple calls --- 2.2+ [2.2-bug-bash][planned-sprint c=3] VERIFIED FIXED
1126378 Augustin Trancart [:autra] [RTL] "ICE contacts" overlaps the arrow in the Emergency dialer --- 2.2+ [2.2-bug-bash] VERIFIED FIXED
1126538 Salvador de la Puente González [:salva] [Dialer][Text Selection] Pressing a key in the dialer always adds the digit at the end of the current number instead of inserting it at the caret position 2.2+ --- VERIFIED FIXED
1129339 Doug Sherk (:drs) (inactive) [Flame][Dialer]The text in context menu button disappears. 2.2+ --- [planned-sprint c=1] VERIFIED FIXED
1131492 Augustin Trancart [:autra] [RTL][Dialer]The position of buttons on toolbar is mirrored at active call screen. --- 2.2+ VERIFIED FIXED
1131631 Tamara Hills [:thills] [Dialer] bdi tag remains in conference call participants screen --- 2.2+ VERIFIED FIXED

10 Total; 0 Open (0%); 1 Resolved (10%); 9 Verified (90%);

Bugs Redirected

Full Query
ID Assigned to Summary Blocking b2g Feature b2g Whiteboard Status Resolution
1106175 Tamara Hills [:thills] Conference group participants list is misaligned in RTL --- 2.2+ [planned-sprint c=1] VERIFIED FIXED
1112242 Gabriele Svelto [:gsvelto] (PTO) [Dialer][Call Log] Call Log is not synced with Contact when adding/deleting second phone number 2.2+ --- [2.2-exploratory-2][planned-sprint c=3] VERIFIED DUPLICATE
1112577 Gabriele Svelto [:gsvelto] (PTO) CallLogDB transactions are not atomic --- --- [planned-sprint c=3] RESOLVED FIXED
1126368 Tamara Hills [:thills] [RTL] "Conference (2)" string is not right-aligned when you have a conference + another call --- 2.2+ [2.2-bug-bash][planned-sprint c=1] VERIFIED FIXED
1126374 Tamara Hills [:thills] [RTL] "Call ended" overlaps the phone number on the Call screen when you have multiple calls --- 2.2+ [2.2-bug-bash][planned-sprint c=3] VERIFIED FIXED
1129339 Doug Sherk (:drs) (inactive) [Flame][Dialer]The text in context menu button disappears. 2.2+ --- [planned-sprint c=1] VERIFIED FIXED

6 Total; 0 Open (0%); 1 Resolved (16.67%); 5 Verified (83.33%);

Daily Standup Meetings

  • Current hosts: drs, gtorodelvalle, thills
  • Hosts rotate every week.
  1. If you're not available for a standup that you're scheduled to host, then ask for someone else to host instead for just that time.
  2. Start by pinging everyone who should be participating.
  3. List any administrative items you have, and then ask for more from other people (look at the Etherpad).
  4. Look at the list of blockers and blocker nominations and see if there's anything new or that needs action. Mention these during this time.
  5. Move to individual updates. Go alphabetically, in descending order.
  6. If someone's update is taking longer than 3-4 minutes, you should generally cut them off and ask them to talk about it after the standup.
  7. Copy the reports from the GDoc to the wiki page for that day. Use the Etherpad-to-Wiki converter to format it. You can just copy and paste the whole thing and the converter will do everything for you.
  8. Ask the person who should be hosting the week after you if they'll be available. If not, move onto the next person.

Day 10:


  • Admin:
    • Getting Vishnu set up for the GSoC blacklist project.
  • Next steps:
    • Reviews.
  • Patches:
    • bug 1129339 - [Flame][Dialer]The text in context menu button disappears.
      • Need to request uplift.
  • Reviews:
    • bug 1126368 - [RTL] "Conference (2)" string is not right-aligned when you have a conference + another call
      • r?, sort of went through a review round.
    • bug 1126374 - [RTL] "Call ended" overlaps the phone number on the Call screen when you have multiple calls
      • r+
  • Other:


  • Admin - none
    • bug 1126368 - Put a PR for this for review yesterday.
    • bug 1106175 - Conference Group is misaligned in RTL. Have r+ from gsvelto on this. Fixed nits. Waiting for RTL feedback..
    • bug 1126374 - Have an r+ from drs on this. Will fix nits and then we have been waiting for RTL feedback since 2/5. If we don't get it, Stephany said to go ahead and land it.
    • bug 976990 - Rested and Resolve/fixed this as it was fixed by gsvelto bug 1112577.
    • Uplifts:
    • Reviews:


  • Admin:
  • Done:
    • bug 1061130 - [STK] 3GPP TS 22.030 6.6.4 An abbreviated dialling code shall be able to be read using the following procedure: N(N)(N)#
    • bug 1131938 - [Calllog][CallScreen] Not showing contact name if number saved in contacts has comma in it
      • Had a meeting with TEF to backout the 2.2 feature bug 911055 - [Dialer]DuT doesn allow to dial a <<pause>>
      • TEF prefers to have the ability to make a call and have the contact saved. They're okay with not supporting the call log.
      • BTW, Android 4.3 behaves exactly the same as we have now.
  • Next steps:
    • Still have to test bug 1093608 - [DSDS] Add test to check which SIM was involved in the call on the call log
and bug 1096385 - Investigate failure in, call log is displayed erroneously
    • Feedback on bug 1131261 - Pressing * number* then # on the keypad makes a modal window appear and disappear if you have no contacts saved at this slot on the SIM card


  • Admin:
    • I’ve got a couple of gecko bugs to address for v2.2 so I’ll need to set some time aside for them
  • Bugs:
    • bug 1096385 - Investigate failure in, call log is displayed erroneously
      • Verify that the new tests work after applying bug 1112577
    • bug 1093608 - [DSDS] Add test to check which SIM was involved in the call on the call log
      • Verify that the new tests work after applying bug 1112577
    • bug 1100230 - Touchtones are buzzing when 2 keys are pressed at the same time on the in-call keypad.
      • Spent some time investigating this because of an issue I encountered while reviewing bug bug 1126538
    • bug 1102814 - Make the dialer use the `notification' channel for playing the touch tones
      • Investigating problems caused by bug 1092346, it could have regressed multiple things and might be the root cause for the backout
    • bug 1112242 - [Dialer][Call Log] Call Log is not synced with Contact when adding/deleting second phone number
    • bug 1112577 - CallLogDB transactions are not atomic
      • Asked approval to uplift to v2.2
    • bug 1117804 - [v2.2] Investigate test_call_log_groups failure
    • bug 1131261 - Pressing * number* then # on the keypad makes a modal window appear and disappear if you have no contacts saved at this slot on the SIM card
      • Prepared a patch
  • Reviews
    • None

Day 9:


  • Admin:
    • Getting Vishnu set up for the GSoC blacklist project.
      • Sent him a Flame.
      • Going over his proposal.
    • We must get all RTL bugs landed today.
    • Sent out an email with suggestions for smoke tests.
  • Next steps:
    • Reviews.
  • Patches:
    • bug 1129339 - [Flame][Dialer]The text in context menu button disappears.
      • Need to request uplift.
  • Reviews:
    • bug 1126368 - [RTL] "Conference (2)" string is not right-aligned when you have a conference + another call
      • r+
    • bug 1132914 - The entire contact list on a SIM get loaded each time you type N(N)(N)# on the keypad
      • r?
    • bug 1122688 - [Privacy Panel][Transparency Control] EmergencyCall has a missing icon in the Application list under Transparency Control.
      • r-, new r?
    • bug 1131631 - [Dialer] bdi tag remains in conference call participants screen
      • r+
  • Other:


  • Admin - none
    • bug 1126368 - Landed. Will ask for uplift approval (Question: how long to wait before asking?)
    • bug 1126374 - Landed. Waiting for uplift approval
    • bug 1132914 - Put a PR for this. Got r- back and addressed this and reposted.
    • bug 1131631 - I stole this from :kaze since it’s a P1 and no progress. I posted a patch for review. Review by drs. waiting for tests.
    • bug 1131246 - Working on this today. Having a little trouble with the font auto-resizing itself when I add the bdi tags around the number.
    • Uplifts:
    • Reviews:
    • New Bugs Filed
      • bug 1134961 - Dialer suggestion is not bdi (the + is on the wrong side)


  • Admin:
  • Done:
      • Refeedback’d bug 1131261 - Pressing * number* then # on the keypad makes a modal window appear and disappear if you have no contacts saved at this slot on the SIM card
      • bug 1112577 - CallLogDB transactions are not atomic
        • Started manual testing
        • bug 1135023 - Recent contact's name disappears if you call him back with the call log
        • bug 1135044 - Call information gets never updated after creating a contact until you close the Dialer
  • Next steps:


  • Admin:
    • None
  • Bugs:
    • bug 1135023 - Recent contact's name disappears if you call him back with the call log
      • Investigating as it looks like fallout from bug 1112577
    • bug 1131261 - Pressing * number* then # on the keypad makes a modal window appear and disappear if you have no contacts saved at this slot on the SIM card
      • Cleared the review for now, this might not be the right approach
    • bug 1134871 - [Dialer][USSD] Abbreviated Dialing Codes can be activated by backspacing/deleting numbers in the dialer field.
      • Prepared a patch, we should fix this before deciding how to proceed in bug 1131261
  • Reviews
    • None

Day 8:


  • Admin:
    • Getting Vishnu set up for the GSoC blacklist project.
      • Sending him a Flame.
    • Francisco says that if any RTL bugs need Ahmed or someone else to review them and you’re not making any progress, needinfo Stephany first and then Dylan.
  • Next steps:
    • Send an updated smoketest list to Johan.
    • Reviews.
  • Patches:
    • bug 1129339 - [Flame][Dialer]The text in context menu button disappears.
      • Need to request uplift.
  • Reviews:
    • bug 1126368 - [RTL] "Conference (2)" string is not right-aligned when you have a conference + another call
      • r-, new r?
    • bug 1132914 - The entire contact list on a SIM get loaded each time you type N(N)(N)# on the keypad
      • r-, new r?
    • bug 1126374 - [RTL] "Call ended" overlaps the phone number on the Call screen when you have multiple calls
      • r+
  • Other:


  • Admin - none
    • bug 1126368 - Had an NI on this one. Responded to this.
    • bug 1106175 - Conference Group is misaligned in RTL. Have r+ from gsvelto on this. Fixed nits. Waiting for RTL feedback.. Sent NI to doliver
    • bug 1126374 - Have an r+ from drs on this. Will fix nits and then we have been waiting for RTL feedback since 2/5. If we don't get it, Stephany said to go ahead and land it. 2/19. Sent an NI to doliver on this one to help move it along.
    • bug 1132914 - Put a PR for this. Got r- back and addressed this and reposted.
    • Uplifts:
    • Reviews:


  • Admin:
  • Done:
    • bug 1061130 - [STK] 3GPP TS 22.030 6.6.4 An abbreviated dialling code shall be able to be read using the following procedure: N(N)(N)#
      • QAnalysts will handle the test plan for this feature. Reviewed their first results, they’ll file a couple of minor bugs. One potential blocker, the functionality can be activated if a user deletes some charaters. I’ll wait for them to file the bug and ask UX input.
      • Feedback’d bug 1131261 - Pressing * number* then # on the keypad makes a modal window appear and disappear if you have no contacts saved at this slot on the SIM card
      • bug 1112577 - CallLogDB transactions are not atomic
  • Next steps:


  • Admin:
    • None
  • Bugs:
    • bug 1096385 - Investigate failure in, call log is displayed erroneously
    • bug 1093608 - [DSDS] Add test to check which SIM was involved in the call on the call log
    • bug 1112577 - CallLogDB transactions are not atomic
      • Landed on v2.2
    • bug 1117804 - [v2.2] Investigate test_call_log_groups failure
    • bug 1131261 - Pressing * number* then # on the keypad makes a modal window appear and disappear if you have no contacts saved at this slot on the SIM card
      • Patch undergoing review
  • Reviews
    • None

Day 7:


  • Admin:
    • Getting Vishnu set up for the GSoC blacklist project.
  • Next steps:
    • Reviews.
  • Patches:
    • bug 1129339 - [Flame][Dialer]The text in context menu button disappears.
      • Need to request uplift.
  • Reviews:
    • bug 1126368 - [RTL] "Conference (2)" string is not right-aligned when you have a conference + another call
      • r?, sort of went through a review round.
    • bug 1126374 - [RTL] "Call ended" overlaps the phone number on the Call screen when you have multiple calls
      • r+
  • Other:


  • Admin - none
    • bug 1126368 - Put a PR for this for review yesterday.
    • bug 1106175 - Conference Group is misaligned in RTL. Have r+ from gsvelto on this. Fixed nits. Waiting for RTL feedback..
    • bug 1126374 - Have an r+ from drs on this. Will fix nits and then we have been waiting for RTL feedback since 2/5. If we don't get it, Stephany said to go ahead and land it.
    • bug 976990 - Rested and Resolve/fixed this as it was fixed by gsvelto bug 1112577.
    • Uplifts:
    • Reviews:


  • Admin:
  • Done:
    • bug 1061130 - [STK] 3GPP TS 22.030 6.6.4 An abbreviated dialling code shall be able to be read using the following procedure: N(N)(N)#
    • bug 1131938 - [Calllog][CallScreen] Not showing contact name if number saved in contacts has comma in it
      • Had a meeting with TEF to backout the 2.2 feature bug 911055 - [Dialer]DuT doesn allow to dial a <<pause>>
      • TEF prefers to have the ability to make a call and have the contact saved. They're okay with not supporting the call log.
      • BTW, Android 4.3 behaves exactly the same as we have now.
  • Next steps:
    • Still have to test bug 1093608 - [DSDS] Add test to check which SIM was involved in the call on the call log
and bug 1096385 - Investigate failure in, call log is displayed erroneously
    • Feedback on bug 1131261 - Pressing * number* then # on the keypad makes a modal window appear and disappear if you have no contacts saved at this slot on the SIM card


  • Admin:
    • I’ve got a couple of gecko bugs to address for v2.2 so I’ll need to set some time aside for them
  • Bugs:
    • bug 1096385 - Investigate failure in, call log is displayed erroneously
      • Verify that the new tests work after applying bug 1112577
    • bug 1093608 - [DSDS] Add test to check which SIM was involved in the call on the call log
      • Verify that the new tests work after applying bug 1112577
    • bug 1100230 - Touchtones are buzzing when 2 keys are pressed at the same time on the in-call keypad.
      • Spent some time investigating this because of an issue I encountered while reviewing bug bug 1126538
    • bug 1102814 - Make the dialer use the `notification' channel for playing the touch tones
      • Investigating problems caused by bug 1092346, it could have regressed multiple things and might be the root cause for the backout
    • bug 1112242 - [Dialer][Call Log] Call Log is not synced with Contact when adding/deleting second phone number
    • bug 1112577 - CallLogDB transactions are not atomic
      • Asked approval to uplift to v2.2
    • bug 1117804 - [v2.2] Investigate test_call_log_groups failure
    • bug 1131261 - Pressing * number* then # on the keypad makes a modal window appear and disappear if you have no contacts saved at this slot on the SIM card
      • Prepared a patch
  • Reviews
    • None

Day 6:


  • Admin:
    • Germán is moving onto M2M.
    • Going to talk with Vishnu about the GSoC blacklist project.
  • Next steps:
    • Reviews.
  • Patches:
    • bug 1129339 - [Flame][Dialer]The text in context menu button disappears.
      • Need to request uplift.
  • Reviews:
    • bug 1126368 - [RTL] "Conference (2)" string is not right-aligned when you have a conference + another call
      • r?
    • bug 1126374 - [RTL] "Call ended" overlaps the phone number on the Call screen when you have multiple calls
      • r?
  • Other:
    • bug 1094764 - Implement AudioContext.suspend and friends
      • This is landing soon. It’ll help us simplify our code a bit.


  • Admin - none
    • bug 1126368 - Put a PR for this for review yesterday.
    • bug 1106175 - Conference Group is misaligned in RTL. Have r+ from gsvelto on this. Fixed nits. Waiting for tree to reopen to land.
    • bug 1126374 - Have a fix for this. Ran it by Stephany. She is ok with it but wants feedback from Ahmed. Waiting on this. Pinged again today (2/5) for feedback as I wanted to get this finished. Update on (2/10): Stephany has asked again for feedback. (2/11) Stephany said to go ahead with this one as Ahmed is busy. (2/17) Kaze from RTL team is now reviewing this. Put this patch for code review.
    • Uplifts:
      • bug 1102344 - Landed this. Have the approval for uplift to 2.2. Still need to uplift.
      • bug 118422 - Landed this one as well.
      • bug 1126379 - Landed. Needs an uplift
      • bug 1126850 - This was landed in m-c. Flagged to ask for 2.2 uplift approval.
    • Reviews:


  • Admin:
  • Next steps:
  • bug 1061130 - [STK] 3GPP TS 22.030 6.6.4 An abbreviated dialling code shall be able to be read using the following procedure: N(N)(N)#
    • Ran into some issues due to the # key on the keypad. Filed 2 bugs which looks blocker to me. I’ll check who’s the QA owner for this feature in Taipei.
      • bug 1131261 - Pressing * number* then # on the keypad makes a modal window appear and disappear if you have no contacts saved at this slot on the SIM card
      • bug 1132914 - The entire contact list on a SIM get loaded each time you type N(N)(N)# on the keypad


  • Admin:
    • None
  • Bugs:
    • bug 1096385 - Investigate failure in, call log is displayed erroneously
      • Verify that the new tests work after applying bug 1112577
    • bug 1093608 - [DSDS] Add test to check which SIM was involved in the call on the call log
      • Verify that the new tests work after applying bug 1112577
    • bug 1100230 - Touchtones are buzzing when 2 keys are pressed at the same time on the in-call keypad.
      • Spent some time investigating this because of an issue I encountered while reviewing bug bug 1126538
    • bug 1102814 - Make the dialer use the `notification' channel for playing the touch tones
      • Investigating problems caused by bug 1092346, it could have regressed multiple things and might be the root cause for the backout
    • bug 1112242 - [Dialer][Call Log] Call Log is not synced with Contact when adding/deleting second phone number
    • bug 1112577 - CallLogDB transactions are not atomic
      • Asked approval to uplift to v2.2
    • bug 1117804 - [v2.2] Investigate test_call_log_groups failure
    • bug 1131261 - Pressing * number* then # on the keypad makes a modal window appear and disappear if you have no contacts saved at this slot on the SIM card
      • Prepared a patch
  • Reviews
    • None

Day 5:


Day 4:


  • Admin:
    • Public holiday on Monday.
    • Salva is not going to be working on the Dialer as a regular team member, and will not be joining our standups.
  • Next steps:
    • Nothing new.
  • Patches:
    • bug 1129339 - [Flame][Dialer]The text in context menu button disappears.
      • Landed, need to request uplift.
  • Reviews:
    • Nothing new.
  • Other:
    • bug 1094764 - Implement AudioContext.suspend and friends
      • This is landing soon. It’ll help us simplify our code a bit.


  • Admin - Spending about half my time on search metrics..
    • bug 1106175 - Conference Group is misaligned in RTL. Have r+ from gsvelto on this. Have a few nits to fix and will try and land this today.
    • bug 1126379 - Landed. Needs an uplift
    • bug 1126374 - Have a fix for this. Ran it by Stephany. She is ok with it but wants feedback from Ahmed. Waiting on this. Pinged again today (2/5) for feedback as I wanted to get this finished. Update on (2/10): Stephany has asked again for feedback.
    • bug 1102344 - Landed this. Have the approval for uplift to 2.2. Still need to uplift.
    • bug 118422 - Landed this one as well.
    • bug 1126850 - This was landed in m-c. Flagged to ask for 2.2 uplift approval.
    • Reviews:
      • bug 1112577 - Finished review of this and found some problems..


  • Admin:
    • Nothing to report
  • Bugs:
    • bug 1096385 - Investigate failure in, call log is displayed erroneously
      • Verify that the new tests work after applying bug 1112577
    • bug 1093608 - [DSDS] Add test to check which SIM was involved in the call on the call log
      • Verify that the new tests work after applying bug 1112577
    • bug 1100230 - Touchtones are buzzing when 2 keys are pressed at the same time on the in-call keypad.
      • Spent some time investigating this because of an issue I encountered while reviewing bug bug 1126538
    • bug 1102814 - Make the dialer use the `notification' channel for playing the touch tones
      • Investigating problems caused by bug 1092346, it could have regressed multiple things and might be the root cause for the backout
    • bug 1112242 - [Dialer][Call Log] Call Log is not synced with Contact when adding/deleting second phone number
    • bug 1112577 - CallLogDB transactions are not atomic
      • More problems to investigate, not looking good
    • bug 1117804 - [v2.2] Investigate test_call_log_groups failure
  • Reviews
    • bug 1131492 - [RTL][Dialer]The position of buttons on toolbar is mirrored at active call screen.
      • r-’d but only because I’d like a slightly different approach, this is an easy fix
    • bug 1126538 - [Dialer][Text Selection] Pressing a key in the dialer always adds the digit at the end of the current number instead of inserting it at the caret position
      • r+’d as we found out that the problems I encountered were not specific to this patch but have always been part of the dialer


  • Absent/no report


  • Absent/no report


  • Absent/no report

Day 3:


  • Admin:
    • Nothing new.
  • Next steps:
    • Nothing new.
  • Patches:
    • bug 1129339 - [Flame][Dialer]The text in context menu button disappears.
      • Patch posted for Tamara to review.
  • Reviews:
    • Nothing new.
  • Other:
    • Nothing new.


  • Admin - Spending about half my time on search metrics..
    • bug 1106175 - Conference Group is misaligned in RTL. Have r+ from gsvelto on this. Have a few nits to fix and will try and land this today.
    • bug 1126379 - Landed. Needs an uplift
    • bug 1126374 - Have a fix for this. Ran it by Stephany. She is ok with it but wants feedback from Ahmed. Waiting on this. Pinged again today (2/5) for feedback as I wanted to get this finished. Update on (2/10): Stephany has asked again for feedback.
    • bug 1102344 - Landed this. Have the approval for uplift to 2.2. Still need to uplift.
    • bug 118422 - Landed this one as well.
    • bug 1126850 - This was landed in m-c. Flagged to ask for 2.2 uplift approval.
    • Reviews:
      • 1129339 - Finished this review today.
      • bug 1112577 - Will work on this review for gsvelto today.



  • Admin:
    • Nothing to report
  • Bugs:
    • bug 1096385 - Investigate failure in, call log is displayed erroneously
      • Verify that the new tests work after applying bug 1112577
    • bug 1093608 - [DSDS] Add test to check which SIM was involved in the call on the call log
      • Verify that the new tests work after applying bug 1112577
    • bug 1102814 - Make the dialer use the `notification' channel for playing the touch tones
      • Backed out, trying to figure out what’s wrong
    • bug 1112242 - [Dialer][Call Log] Call Log is not synced with Contact when adding/deleting second phone number
    • bug 1112577 - CallLogDB transactions are not atomic
      • Working on yet another revision that ensures that the contact cache is not accessed before being validated
    • bug 1117804 - [v2.2] Investigate test_call_log_groups failure
  • Reviews
    • bug 1106175 - Conference group participants list is misaligned in RTL
      • Reviewed, r+
    • bug 1126538 - [Dialer][Text Selection] Pressing a key in the dialer always adds the digit at the end of the current number instead of inserting it at the caret position
      • Reviewed, r- because it looks like there’s a race that moves the caret around when typing fast, this looks like a good occasion to make this code more robust


  • Absent/no report


  • Absent/no report

Day 2:


Day 1:




  • drs: Feb 16, family day
  • gsvelto: None
  • gtorodelvalle: ?
  • jlorenzo: ?
  • thills: Feb 16, President's Day

Office Hours

Day 7

  • <drs> Assign unassigned blockers
  • <drs> RTL reviews are slow, worried we might not make it
    • <drs> [AI] Talk with Francisco and/or Bhavana, see what we should do here
  • [jlorenzo] Smoketests review
  • [jlorenzo] Dogfood test suite
    • [jlorenzo] [AI] Follow up on the purpose and the implications of this suite

Day 2



Retrospective Etherpad

Things we did well

  • <thills> Got quite a few RTL bugs done. We also got quite a few new ones, so I'm not sure how much overall ground we gained on total RTL bugs.
  • <gsvelto> :salva landed a patch that greatly improved handling text deletion in the dialer and which included a few integration tests (yay!)

Things we could do better

  • <gsvelto> Our cost estimates for certain bugs were quite off

Action items

  • <thills> we probably will be tight on the next iteration so we should make sure to prioritize the remaining RTL. There was some discussion about whether we needed to finish P1 or P1 and P2 for the feature landing, and I am not sure where that ended up and we might need to clarify.
    • <drs> Taking this.
  • <thills> Do we need to have a discussion about a call log rewrite? I know it's been mentioned, but just wanted to maybe talk about it.
    • <drs> Talk about this during the office hour.
  • <drs> We're very limited on people, with nobody working full-time on the Dialer. Will talk with Francisco about this.
