Firefox OS/UX

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Team members, locations, roles and areas of focus:

This wiki is not the best resource for Firefox OS design documentation, UX specs and patterns, and so on. For that, please visit the Design section on the Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) site.

This page contains describes the major efforts the Firefox OS UX team is currently working on. Please contact Stephany Wilkes or Jaime Chen with any questions you may have.

Latest Specs + Wireframes

Important Dates

  • 2014-11-24: Sprint 1 of 2.2 begins (on Gecko 37, which will be on m-c and gaia master)
  • 2014-12-01 to 12-05: Portland Work Week
  • 2015-02-23: 2.2 Feature Landing (Gecko 38, base for FxOS 2.2 will be on mozilla-aurora and gaia v2.2 branch)
  • 2015-03-09: L10N String Freeze (tentative)
  • 2015-04-06: 2.2 Feature Complete (Gecko 38 moves to mozilla-beta and mozilla-b2g38_v2_2 is created)
  • 2015-05-18: 2.2 Code Complete

Bidirectional Language Support

The Firefox OS UX team is working hard to ensure the correct display of bidirectional languages like Arabic, Pashto, Urdu, Persian and Hebrew. Our 2.2 release will have interface support for Arabic and other bidirectional languages will follow in 2.3 and later.


Web Components

Building Blocks reflect OS-wide UX patterns and styles, and will take the form of Web Components as of 2.3. Building Blocks + Web Components = "Common Controls" in Mozilla parlance.

UX Most Wanted

  • Summary: These come from our usability studies, UX team member audits, customer support requests, and so on.
  • Meta bug: (bug-994991)
Full Query
ID Summary Status Assigned to Blocks Whiteboard
798711 Auto-complete email addresses RESOLVED 1096830 ux-most-wanted-nov2014
804256 [Gaia::Dialer] Dialer Transition Not Implemented According to Spec RESOLVED 805267, 849820, 994991 visual design, UX P1, TEF_REQ, visual-tracking, ux-most-wanted-nov2014
829820 [Messages] Ability to mark selected SMS threads as read/unread RESOLVED kumar rishav (:rishav_) 1067275, 1096862 [needs UX][needs VD], ux-most-wanted-nov2014
834462 There should be more information (e.g. build ID / version number, link to release notes) listed in the notification of a system update in Firefox OS RESOLVED Gabriele Svelto [:gsvelto] 949551, 994991, 1098041, 1157213, 1180678 ux-most-wanted-nov2014,
837924 [CONTACTS][FACEBOOK] No indication of why Message, Wall post and view Facebook profile CTAs are disabled RESOLVED Francisco Jordano [:arcturus] [:francisco] 994991, 1091108, 1096825 interaction [UX-P1], [TEF_REQ][p=2], ux-most-wanted-nov2014
849837 [Transitions. UX] Implement incomming call transitions as specified. RESOLVED 849820, 994991 interaction, UX-P1, [TEF_REQ], ux-most-wanted-nov2014, 2x-uxnom
849838 [Transitions. UX] Implement answering an incomming call transition as specified. RESOLVED 849820, 994991 interaction, UX-P2, [TEF_REQ], ux-most-wanted-nov2014, 2x-uxnom
849842 [Transitions. UX] Implement Finishing an incomming call transition as specified. RESOLVED 849820, 994991 interaction, UX-P2, [TEF_REQ], ux-most-wanted-nov2014, 2x-uxnom
849846 [Transitions. UX] Implement rejecting an incomming call transition as specified. RESOLVED 849820, 994991 interaction, UX-P2, [TEF_REQ], ux-most-wanted-nov2014, 2x-uxnom
849894 [Transitions. UX] Implement answering an incomming call transition as specified. RESOLVED 849820, 994991 interaction, UX-P2, [TEF_REQ], ux-most-wanted-nov2014, 2x-uxnom
849896 [Transitions. UX] Implement finishing an incomming call from app transition as specified. RESOLVED 849820, 994991 interaction, UX-P2, [TEF_REQ], ux-most-wanted-nov2014, 2x-uxnom
849898 [Transitions. UX] Implement rejecting an incomming call from app transition as specified. RESOLVED 849820, 994991 interaction, UX-P2, [TEF_REQ], ux-most-wanted-nov2014, 2x-uxnom
912645 Notifications: ability to indicate notification modes RESOLVED Robert Bindar 911002, 994991, 1042361, 1066385, 1073717, 1098041 [systemsfe], ux-most-wanted-nov2014
924334 [Music] Shuffle toggle button and 'shuffle play' button should be visually distinct RESOLVED 994991, 1098152 ux-most-wanted-nov2014
973026 [B2G][Camera] No warning message pops up on the Buri about low storage when taking a video RESOLVED 994991, 1098152 permafail interaction-design, ux-most-wanted-nov2014, 2x-uxnom
1028412 [Video][Camera] Video player controls don't match between video app and camera app RESOLVED Pavel Ivanov [:ivanovpavel][:pivanov] UX 994991, 1069288, 1091614, 1098152 ux-tracking, visual design, jian [fxos:media] [priority], ux-most-wanted-nov2014
1074332 [Utility Tray] Status Bar icons toggle off/on to soon RESOLVED Alberto Pastor [:albertopq] 994991, 1098041, 1107244 [systemsfe], ux-most-wanted-nov2014, 2x-uxnom
1088157 [Window Management] The user cannot return home in card view VERIFIED Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) 994991, 1098041, 1098997 [2.1-exploratory-3][systemsfe], ux-most-wanted-nov2014
1088454 [Homescreen] Multible dividers can appear when moving an icon from the homescreen to the bottom. RESOLVED 994991, 1098041 [2.1-bug-bash] [systemsfe], ux-most-wanted-nov2014, 2x-uxnom
1088461 [B2G][FTU][Browser]User is able to bypass the FTU when opening multiple browser tabs, accessing card view and closing the tabs RESOLVED Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) 994991, 1098041 [2.1-bug-bash] [systemsfe], ux-most-wanted-nov2014
1090488 [Meta] Sorting enhancements RESOLVED 994991, 1098152 ux-most-wanted-nov2014, 2x-uxnom
1093090 Edge gestures interrupt with list navigation UI RESOLVED Etienne Segonzac (:etienne) 994991, 1098041 ux-most-wanted-nov2014
1098997 [Window Management] The user cannot return home in card view, solving by remove legacy code in lockscree.js RESOLVED Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) 994991, 1098041 ux-most-wanted-nov2014
1107332 Going into landscape mode in task manager & tab view distorts previews RESOLVED Sam Foster [:sfoster] (he/him) 1111795 [2.2-flame-reduced-run][systemsfe], 2x-uxnom, ux-most-wanted-nov2014

24 Total; 0 Open (0%); 23 Resolved (95.83%); 1 Verified (4.17%);


Full Query
ID Summary Status Blocks Whiteboard Blocking b2g
796499 [settings] apn and mms settings have both "Back" and "OK" buttons RESOLVED 908549, 949551, 1096851 [label:settings][label:needsUXinput][priority], ux-tracking ---
796519 Nit - When accessing a network on the wifi page that requires a username/password, use username, not identifier RESOLVED 949551 [label:settings][label:polish] ---
804499 Pressing the Enter key on the keyboard does not submit credentials form RESOLVED 949551, 1095331 UX-P3, ux-tracking, [good first bug], 2.6UXnom ---
805167 Reducing ring tone volume to vibration should vibrate shortly RESOLVED 949551 ---
806227 Replace shortened forms of "don't" and "won't" with "do not" and "will not" in descriptions in Settings app VERIFIED 949551 [good-first-bug][mentor=gasolin] ---
816133 Brightness default value should not be automatic RESOLVED 949551 ---
826500 No LED indicator on missed call or SMS RESOLVED 949551 ---
830249 Gaia apps that need memory card tell the user to just "Unplug the phone", with no mention of safe removal RESOLVED 949551 -
833152 [Browser] Support specifying character encoding of the webpage in Firefox OS RESOLVED 949551 [UCID:Browser11, FT:Browser, KOI:P2][Please see comment 26 when triaging] ---
833431 [Email] Auto capitalize the Name field on new Account signup RESOLVED 949551 ---
834462 There should be more information (e.g. build ID / version number, link to release notes) listed in the notification of a system update in Firefox OS RESOLVED 949551, 994991, 1098041, 1157213, 1180678 ux-most-wanted-nov2014, ---
835223 When update has finished uncompressing and "install update" screen pops up, notification screen still shows "Uncompressing..." RESOLVED 949551 ---
857284 When multiple alarms are available to fire for a calendar event, fire only one notification, not multiple notifications VERIFIED 949551 burirun1.3-2 [priority][p=8] ---
861221 when importing Gmail contacts with two-factor auth, can't get sms from notification bar RESOLVED 949551 -
865270 no way to cancel sending an email RESOLVED 949551 ---
865394 zimbra calendar events show multiple notifications RESOLVED 949551 ---
865770 wifi not autoconnecting to known networks anymore RESOLVED 949551 ---
868549 [Music] Add right to left marquee for song title in title bar RESOLVED 949551 visual design [rtl-platform] ---
901119 cellular & data -> data/message settings -> http proxy host allows spaces RESOLVED 949551 ---
903683 [Settings][User Story] 24 hour time format VERIFIED 908549, 949551, 1026891 [feedback][priority][ucid:SystemPlatform34, 2.1, ft:system-platform][2.1-feature-qa+] ---
907103 [SMS] Focusing on the Send button is hard RESOLVED 949551, 994991 ux-most-wanted ---
918363 long-press any image in browser to set as wallpaper RESOLVED 949551 ---
922466 setting up subsequent email accounts should prepopulate the name of the initial account RESOLVED 949551 ---
932094 volume control while camera open doesn't change shutter sound (but homescreen does!) RESOLVED 949551 permafail ---
940471 calendar should handle offline better when adding calendars/events RESOLVED 949551 ---
941345 sim change not detected RESOLVED 949551 ---
943506 [email] after account setup, shows old email RESOLVED 949551 ---
943560 paused song no longer plays RESOLVED 949551 ---
944203 [B2G][Settings] The string "Unplug USB cable to disable" is truncated RESOLVED 949551 dogfood1.2 ---
945056 key depressed state lacks soul RESOLVED 949551, 950798, 994991 ux-most-wanted ---
947563 Wifi hotspot settings prevent users pressing OK w/o any error messages RESOLVED 813775, 908549, 949551 [good first bug][mentor=timdream][mentor-lang=zh][lang=js] -
948051 keyboard sounds are delayed RESOLVED 949551 [c=effect p= s= u=] ---
948170 Gmail is wrong resolution in Browser in Nexus 4 and Helix devices RESOLVED 924909, 949551 ---
948806 input box on homescreen does not respond to touch sometimes RESOLVED 949551 ---
948809 checkboxes in settings app not responding to immediate touch RESOLVED 949551 ---
949009 weird overlap in compose area, looks not ok RESOLVED 949551 ---
949222 need better error message when paired device is detected, but sharing is disabled RESOLVED 949551 [papercuts] ---
949554 Bluetooth sharing UI makes laptop seem to be ok to send file, but laptop's Bluetooth is disabled RESOLVED 949551 [papercuts] ---
951343 [clock] Fix onring focus issues RESOLVED 949551 [tarako] ---
952526 [Messages] New sms appear outside the viewport/ below the screen RESOLVED 929919, 949551 burirun1.3-2 1.3+
956518 button model has inconsistent interaction & visual design in Settings app screens RESOLVED 949551 ---
956519 Ringer/Alert change screen does not show default selection RESOLVED 949551 ---
957029 change keyboard sounds in Sounds pane doesn't uncheck in Keyboard settings pane RESOLVED 949551 ---
957031 key popups are far too brief RESOLVED 949551 [p=1] ---
957033 after adding account, had to click "go to mail" a bunch of times RESOLVED 949551 ---
957310 cannot zoom/pan/scroll on RESOLVED 949551, 950779 ---
958161 need a way to jump to top of message list RESOLVED 949551 ---
960615 [email] Re-enable "Undo" UI for deletion/moves and remove modal confirmation prompt once backend support is present RESOLVED 949551 ---
961385 Autocorrect should be disabled on <input type="text" inputmode="verbatim"> RESOLVED 949551 ---
962439 transitions between tracks are visually abrupt, should be smoother RESOLVED 949551, 981653 -
963875 [B2G][SMS] "Service currently unavailable " message provides a user with an incorrect information RESOLVED 949551 [g+][LibGLA, Dev, B] ---
963963 ~2s delay after hitting the call button RESOLVED 949551 [c=effect p= s=2014.04.11 u=] ---
967966 SIM PIN buttons are below the keyboard RESOLVED 949551 ---
973514 [Settings] select slider shows dots border in Sound panel RESOLVED 949551, 973907, 1057917 [LibGLA, TD77343, WW, C] ---
974855 Camera app crashes when misdetecting requested picture size RESOLVED 949551 1.4+
975697 Camera autofocus is not respected anymore RESOLVED 949551 1.4+
976351 [B2G][Keyboard] English keyboard appears as default language even if another keyboard was selected before RESOLVED 949551 [priority] ---
976497 SIM Slot manager seems to be racy regarding SIM card state on boot (Peak, Nexus S) RESOLVED 901322, 949551 [systemsfe] -
981416 [B2G] Main process crash on sending of MMS with attached picture RESOLVED 949551 ---
981653 transitions between tracks are visually abrupt, should be smoother RESOLVED 949551 [priority] ---
983624 Device continues to vibrate after call missed RESOLVED 901322, 949551 [systemsfe] -
984148 Folder syncing failing due to DataCloneError RESOLVED 949551 ---
984732 homescreen icons have box around them RESOLVED 949551 ---
986631 "offline" banner during email account setup need improvement RESOLVED 949551 ---
987446 [send] button is very hard to hit RESOLVED 949551 ---
987454 [Messages] The sent message is not painted after sending RESOLVED 949551 ---
987823 [Task Manager] Prototype: Open the second-most-recently-used window instead of the current window. RESOLVED 949551 ---
987997 hit home button, app turns into a live wallpaper RESOLVED 949551 ---
988002 sent sms bubble is overlarge RESOLVED 949551 ---
988007 unable to place cursor in front of the first character on a line RESOLVED 949551 ---
988077 Music app should deduplicate artists on case RESOLVED 949551 ---
988116 Bluetooth file transfer leaves too many notifications RESOLVED 949551 ---
988434 Surprise! Settings>Sound>Alarm is for the Clock app! RESOLVED 949551, 991026 ---
988443 Sound>Vibrate - what does it do? RESOLVED 949551 ---
988449 alarm mini-notification stuck over notification tray until restart phone RESOLVED 949551 ---
988530 banner lifetime is too long RESOLVED 949551 [systemsfe] ---
993315 [Settings] refreshed selector button need some space RESOLVED 949551, 1018519, 1038550 [TCP=polish][flatfish] ---
993441 Placing call kills dialer app RESOLVED 949551 ---
995172 [E-mail] Periodic sync of subfolders RESOLVED 949551 [feature] ---
995223 [Email] Provide an account-related option to stop marking as read messages when the user reads them RESOLVED 949551 [feature] ---
1000025 [keyboard] Long word suggestions can move/shift keyboard partially off screen so it overflows RESOLVED 949551 dupme ---
1005804 Data connection constantly coming up and down RESOLVED 901322, 949551 ---
1015170 [Settings] SIM manager icons are not HIDPI ready RESOLVED 949551 ---
1032918 Unable to perform offline changes to events on Gmail calendar RESOLVED 949551 [perf-reviewed] ---
1033208 The bottom toolbar in the browser frame could have a share button RESOLVED 949551 ---
1033334 [Message] We should keep the focus in composer after sending a message RESOLVED 949551, 1112127, 1116978 [lang=js][sms-papercuts][p=2] ---
1033355 Credentials from lost after device reboot (B2G) or Browser restarted (Firefox for Android) RESOLVED 949551 [country-fr] [sitewait] ---
1034490 Usage app takes 30sec+ to display usage VERIFIED 949551 2.0+
1034493 Usage app shows no user feedback while loading data RESOLVED 949551, 1034490 [NaBfT] ---
1037345 [Email] Error message should indicate protocol on login failure RESOLVED 949551 ---
1046036 Can't set different auto completion language without changing keyboard layout RESOLVED 949551 ---
1054491 Sound rocker not locked when in lock screen RESOLVED 949551 [lang=js] ---
1055026 Add French Canadian keyboard RESOLVED 949551 ---
1075405 No SIM used by NetworkGeolocationProvider RESOLVED 949551 [systemsfe] ---
1096025 Sent emails are not marked as read VERIFIED 949551 ---
1097504 Email app is totally broken: cannot sync, cannot switch account RESOLVED 949551 ---
1097556 Build fails with cs-qwerty RESOLVED 949551, 1096057 ---
1114476 [DT][Privacy]change Privacy Panel to a meaningful word RESOLVED 949551, 1057675, 1115356, 1141971 ---

98 Total; 0 Open (0%); 93 Resolved (94.9%); 5 Verified (5.1%);