SMS issues handled by the SMS subteam (blocks the sprint bug 1022706)
ID | Assigned to | Summary | Blocking b2g | Feature b2g | Whiteboard | Resolution |
925404 | Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] | [B2G] [SMS] Always include the phone number in the SMS Thread UI, even if the carrier is known | --- | --- | burirun2, burirun3, [lang=js][lang=css][p=2][not-part-of-initial-sprint] | FIXED |
994553 | Steve Chung [:steveck] | [Sora][Message][Contacts]Contacts's head portrait do not display in Message | 1.4+ | --- | [p=2] | FIXED |
1008127 | Pavel Ivanov [:ivanovpavel][:pivanov] UX | [Messages][Refresh] Subject handling in the Composer | --- | --- | [sprint2 p=3][sprint3 p=2][not-part-of-initial-sprint] | FIXED |
1012663 | Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] | [SMS] Remove inline style for CSP compliance | --- | --- | [sms-most-wanted][p=1] | FIXED |
1013296 | Arnau March [:arnau] ( not working in Firefox OS anymore :( ) | Compose. Change send button to an paper plane icon | --- | --- | [p=1][not-part-of-initial-sprint] | FIXED |
1015867 | Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] | [Messages] The editable composer should take more space | 2.0+ | --- | [sprint2 p=2][sprint3 p=1] | FIXED |
1016897 | Steve Chung [:steveck] | [Flame][v1.4][Message]Tap new message icon, it will automatically return SMS which is just saved as draft. .And if then tap Back key, this contact will have 2 SMS items in main message view. | 1.4+ | --- | bamboo[p=1] | FIXED |
1018035 | Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] | [Flame][v1.4][SMS]No cursor display when tap the message edit box. | 1.4+ | --- | torch, [not-part-of-initial-sprint] | FIXED |
1022096 | Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] | [Messages] sms text truncated in delete messages mode | 2.0+ | --- | [2.0-FL-bug-bash][not-part-of-initial-sprint] | FIXED |
1024978 | Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] | [Messages] Activity Handler tests are failing with newer mocha | --- | --- | [not-part-of-initial-sprint] | FIXED |
1025552 | Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] | [Messages][Refactoring] Refactor attachment.js and specifically move rendering part to a separate module | --- | --- | [p=1] | FIXED |
1026528 | Oleg Zasypkin [:azasypkin] | [Messages] Corrupted attachments do not display correctly | 2.0+ | --- | [not-part-of-initial-sprint] | FIXED |
12 Total; 12 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);
- Date: 10th June 2014, 07:30 UTC
- Location:
- Attending: Steve, Oleg, Julien
julienw: "we have about 1 hour and 15 minutes"
julienw: " is the lists"
julienw: "I think we should first take whatever is not finished yet"
julienw: "that's bug 1008127, bug 1015867, bug 990537"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, 2.0 S3 (6june), pivanov, ASSI, [Messages][Refresh] Subject handling in the Composer"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, 2.0 S3 (6june), felash, ASSI, [Messages] The editable composer should take more space"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, 2.0 S3 (6june), felash, ASSI, [DSDS] Messaging. Apply Visual Refresh to DSDS scenarios."
julienw: "and bug 1013296 ?"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, 2.0 S4 (20june), arnau, ASSI, Compose. Change send button to an paper plane icon"
azasypkin: "I'd say and this one too 925404"
azasypkin: "bug 925404"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, ---, azasypkin, ASSI, [B2G] [SMS] Always include the phone number in the SMS Thread UI, even if the carrier is known"
azasypkin: "in fact it also VR"
julienw: "oki"
julienw: "and bug 1012663 for security team"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, ---, nobody, NEW, [SMS] Remove inline style for CSP compliance"
julienw: "oh bt w"
julienw: "any holiday for you ?"
julienw: "next sprint finish June 24th"
julienw: "I will be in holiday the monday 23 and tuesday 24"
azasypkin: " let me check, it's only 5 month since I have totally different holiday calendar :)"
julienw: "so you'll do the planning yourself :) (I'll try to prepare stuff still)"
azasypkin: "ok, I have only one June 19th"
julienw: "yeah, I remember when I was in Stuttgart :D"
azasypkin: "oh :)"
julienw: "(I'll cut this in the minutes :p)"
julienw: "so, I think we should lower the veloity"
julienw: "like 9 instead of 10"
julienw: "unless schung has also holidays :)"
julienw: "schung, are you still there ? :p"
schung: "julienw: sorry I was interrupt by others..."
julienw: "no problem"
schung: "julienw: I have no holiday before 6/24 (Only one day for health examination), so 9 or 10 both fine for me"
julienw: "oki"
julienw: "let's do 9"
azasypkin: "ok"
julienw: "(as always, I take note and I'll write the result on the bugs + wiki after)"
julienw: "let's estimate these 6 bugs already ?"
julienw: "do you need time to look at them ?"
azasypkin: "yeah, I don't know much about 1015867 and 990537"
julienw: "ok"
julienw: "let's take 5 minutes to look at the bug"
julienw: "s"
schung: "for 1015867, maybe we should create a follow up to keep everything moving?"
julienw: "I want to look at the issue first, didn't have the time yesterday"
julienw: "but otherwise yeah, maybe"
julienw: "azasypkin, 1015867: the issue is that the composer had a fixed max height since we landed the flexible layout composer"
julienw: "azasypkin, it turned out that a lot of things were not really made properly (for example, the send button used position: fixed)"
julienw: "azasypkin, so the patch changes many things here (more than I expected at the start actually)"
julienw: "schung, not being able to click on the subject is a no-go for me, that's why I want to look at it first :)"
julienw: "bug 990537: there is a patch but probably will need to be redone once the "send button" change is done"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, 2.0 S3 (6june), felash, ASSI, [DSDS] Messaging. Apply Visual Refresh to DSDS scenarios."
julienw: "fortunately, the "sms simulator" branch helps a lot to do this"
azasypkin: "julienw, ok, thanks, I see that patch for bug 1015867 in review (and ui-review) already, that's good"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, 2.0 S3 (6june), felash, ASSI, [Messages] The editable composer should take more space"
julienw: "yep"
schung: "julienw: I think landing 1008127 (subject) -> 1013296 -> 990537(DSDS) is reasonable"
julienw: "you forget the "editable space" at first :)"
schung: "oh ya"
julienw: "1015867 (max height) -> 1008127 (subject) -> 1013296 (send button) -> 990537(DSDS)"
azasypkin: "so, will all these prerequisite bugs be resolve in this sprint? Just wondering if can include the last one in this sprint"
julienw: "yep maybe not"
julienw: "let's keep DSDS out of the sprint"
azasypkin: "ok, then the rest is clear for me, ready to estimate"
julienw: "(btw, I notice we have no demo for the thread refresh)"
julienw: "schung, good for you, keeping DSDS out of this sprint?"
azasypkin: "yeah, my fault, doing it right now"
julienw: "I should add a part for the simulator too"
schung: "julienw: ok for me without DSDS in the sprint"
julienw: "oki"
julienw: "let's estimate the bugs then"
julienw: "bug 1015867 (max height for composer) ?"
azasypkin: "since we have patch already, maybe 1 is enough?"
julienw: "p=1 for me, because patch is ready, only one issue is remaining, and we can file follow up for the smaller issue if Victoria wants it"
azasypkin: "agree"
schung: "+1"
julienw: "ok"
julienw: "subject patch: bug 1008127"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, 2.0 S3 (6june), pivanov, ASSI, [Messages][Refresh] Subject handling in the Composer"
julienw: "azasypkin, what's the status of this ?"
azasypkin: "Pavel updated patch once again, but as per his last comment looks like we need to talk one more time"
azasypkin: "bug is easy, and I'd say 1, but as Pavel is outside the team 2 will be safer"
julienw: "yep"
julienw: "p=2 for me too"
schung: "2 for communication efforts"
julienw: "oki"
julienw: "bug 1013296: send button"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, 2.0 S4 (20june), arnau, ASSI, Compose. Change send button to an paper plane icon"
azasypkin: "p=1"
julienw: "same for me"
schung: "2 because it will need some adjustment when 1013296 landed..."
schung: "sorry 1008127"
julienw: "yeah but would the adjustments be more than 1 point ?"
julienw: "especially that it's making it flexible, so no need to adjust the margin anymore"
schung: "Another reason is Arnau outside the team for same reason"
schung: "But arnau is here right now :p Maybe let him estimates?"
julienw: "he he"
julienw: "p=2 seems a lot to me but if there is uncertainty then maybe we should"
julienw: "arnau, ping ?"
julienw: "ok"
julienw: "arnau is not here"
julienw: ":)"
julienw: "so"
julienw: "let me try otherwise"
julienw: "should bug 1013296 be the same than bug 1008127 ?"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, 2.0 S3 (6june), pivanov, ASSI, [Messages][Refresh] Subject handling in the Composer"
julienw: "to me it's really not the same complexity"
schung: "hmm I agree, just not sure how long it will take after landing 1008127 and avoid the DSDS regression"
julienw: "we don't really care about DSDS that's already regressed"
julienw: ":p"
julienw: "so"
julienw: "p=1 or p=2 ? :)"
azasypkin: "I still would go with 1"
julienw: "me too"
julienw: "but if steve thinks p=2 is better, then we should be cautious and use it"
schung: "If we don't care about the regression, that would be 1"
julienw: "yay"
julienw: ":o)"
julienw: "yeah, in my head, the dsds bug would do what's needed"
julienw: "ok then"
julienw: "next is"
julienw: "bug 1012663 for security team"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, ---, nobody, NEW, [SMS] Remove inline style for CSP compliance"
julienw: "there are 2 options"
julienw: "1) do a quick&dirty patch to unblock the security team + follow up to change background image to <img>"
julienw: "2) do the background to <img> change now"
julienw: "I'd do 1) because the <img> change is not really important now"
julienw: "(unless it's really simpler)"
julienw: "what do you think ?"
schung: "julienw: I think we have a distort issue with img tag before?"
julienw: "schung, the idea is to load the image out of the DOM, set width/height, and only then append it to the dom"
julienw: "or something like this"
julienw: "since we need to load the image anyway"
schung: "julienw: so you prefer to set css styling from js directly?"
julienw: "we need to :("
julienw: "you mean, instead of using the template ?"
schung: "julienw: no, we still use template, and set styling after element create from template"
julienw: "yes that's what we need to do for CSP"
julienw: "super ugly"
julienw: "si"
julienw: "so"
julienw: "which option do you think ?"
azasypkin: "ok, in case of images maybe we'll use img instead in the follow-up, but for last case we'll need js anyway, right ?"
azasypkin: "or separate stylesheet"
julienw: "I was thinking oa separate styleheet"
julienw: "I was thinking of a separate stylesheet"
arnau: "hey guys, I'm here, sorry I was late"
julienw: "no pb, we found an agreement :)"
julienw: "azasypkin, schung : so, option 1 ?"
julienw: "(need to move forward ;) )"
azasypkin: "julienw, ok for CSP, I don't mind to use js to set background-url as temp solution, it's p=1 I think"
schung: "p=1 for just set styling in js and create follow up"
julienw: "oki"
julienw: "bug 925404 then"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, ---, azasypkin, ASSI, [B2G] [SMS] Always include the phone number in the SMS Thread UI, even if the carrier is known"
julienw: "azasypkin, maybe you can give a quick status ?"
azasypkin: "I was working on it previous week, so I'd go with p=1"
azasypkin: "I have patch, it needs some adjustments + go through all not mentioned cases"
julienw: "is the spec clear ?"
azasypkin: "spec is not :) But I've confirmed all mentioned cases with Vicky at WW"
julienw: "oki"
julienw: "I'd still go with p=2"
julienw: "counting review, etc"
schung: "hmm p=2 for me"
azasypkin: "ok, since you're guys will review that I don't mind to give it p=2 :p"
julienw: "oki"
julienw: "we have 2 points left"
julienw: "blockers !"
schung: "all the blockers or 2.0+ only?"
julienw: "nope"
julienw: "bug 1016897 is 1.4+"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, ---, schung, NEW, [Flame][v1.4][Message]Tap new message icon, it will automatically return SMS which is just saved as"
julienw: "to me it's p=1"
schung: "p=1"
azasypkin: "p=1"
julienw: "oki"
julienw: "next most important is bug 994553 IMO"
firebot: "Bug nor, P1, ---, nobody, NEW, [Sora][Message][Contacts]Contacts's head portrait do not display in Message"
julienw: "issue is that we revoke the blob url too soon"
julienw: "there are 2 possibilities:"
julienw: "* revoke it after eg 60 seconds, but we might have the issue again for threads that are down the list, if the CSS guys optimize the rendering"
julienw: "* revoke it when the thread is deleted only (should not be a big deal if the blob comes from a indexeddb, because it takes not much memory)"
julienw: "* switch to images instead of background images (sound familiar ? ;) )"
julienw: "(ok, 3 possibilities)"
julienw: "my preference is 2) here"
schung: "2 for me too"
azasypkin: "is img tag that bad that we don't want to use it?"
julienw: "my idea was to put the blob url in a dataset, so that it's easy to get when we delete the node; or keep it in an internal array ?"
julienw: "(for when we clear the whole thing)"
julienw: "azasypkin, in that case, the contact image is more a style than content"
julienw: "(to me)"
julienw: "but we can argue otherwise"
julienw: "tell me what you think"
azasypkin: "mmmm don't have strong opinion on that, img tag looks fine for me in this case, but above schung mentioned possible issue with img tag, is it still the case?"
julienw: "in this case it would be"
julienw: "the problem with img is that it doesn't respect ratio"
julienw: "you need to set the width/height yourself"
julienw: "maybe we can take another bug though, this one is maybe too big for this sprint"
azasypkin: "yes I think in any case it can take more than p=1"
julienw: "yep"
julienw: "I'm also wonderint about bug 925404"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, ---, azasypkin, ASSI, [B2G] [SMS] Always include the phone number in the SMS Thread UI, even if the carrier is known"
julienw: "is it more importnat the blockers ?"
julienw: "maybe bug 1021788 for this sprint instead ?"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, ---, schung, NEW, [Messages] Can't click on the suggestion list when there are a lot of recipients in the recipients p"
julienw: "will be a blocker for sure"
azasypkin: "mm no I think, it's more minor VR vs blocker"
schung: "both 1 or 2 is fine for me (bug 972245) maybe 2 is safer"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, ---, schung, VERI FIXED, Photos can appear distorted in the call log and in the SMS app"
julienw: "bug 1022644 too"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, ---, nobody, NEW, [Messages] Can't open the recipient panel if there are only 2 lines of recipients"
julienw: "schung, you mean for bug 994553 ?"
firebot: "Bug nor, P1, ---, nobody, NEW, [Sora][Message][Contacts]Contacts's head portrait do not display in Message"
schung: "sorry wrong paste again bug 994553"
schung: "just found the img issue we mentioned"
julienw: "I'd even say p=3 for this one"
azasypkin: "so we can take this one instead of 925404"
julienw: "if we remove bug 925404, we have enough for bug 994553"
julienw: "yep"
julienw: "is it good for you schung ?"
schung: "julienw: hmm, if we just store url in dataset and revoke while deletion, is that need more than 2?"
julienw: "is there a case where we delete everything ?"
julienw: "or maybe not anymore ?"
julienw: "I'm only afraid of the cases we forget :)"
julienw: "but maybe p=2 is enough for this"
julienw: "ok, let's do p=2"
julienw: "and remove bug 925404"
julienw: "and would bug 1022644 work for p=1?"
julienw: "schung, azasypkin :)"
azasypkin: "I think so, I can take it, as 925404 is out of sprint now :)"
schung: "I can not reproduce it if we create new multi-recipient first"
julienw: "maybe it's the issue with draft that you said?"
julienw: "ok it's probably more p=2 if we need to investigate ,right ?"
schung: "yes, so we might need some time to investigate"
azasypkin: "mm, if it's not clear then it's not p=1 :)"
julienw: "yeah"
julienw: "we can also stop at velocity = 8"
julienw: "and if there are some spaces at the end, you'll know where to take bugs anyway"
julienw: "I can put p=2 on the bug but we don't take it"
azasypkin: "sounds good"
schung: "I think 1021788 is also a block in the end should we estimate it?"
julienw: "since it's not in the sprint, we don't need to estimate"
julienw: ":)"
schung: "ok"
julienw: "we'll estimate next time"
julienw: "sprint:"
julienw: "feels good ?"
azasypkin: "is that dependency bug 817674 non-blocking for us?"
firebot: "Bug nor, --, ---, lissyx+mozillians, ASSI, Add new Makefile target (checkcsp) to verify CSP compliance"
julienw: "no, I don't think so"
azasypkin: "ok"
azasypkin: "then why it's dependency and not just related for example :) "
julienw: "yeah I'll check this, I think it's been added by mistake"