Inform/Becoming An Author

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We welcome new contributors to Inform's content. However, in order that it continues to be useful and fulfil its mandate, there are some things you need to understand if you want to do more than fix typos and grammar errors.

Firstly, you need to understand the difference between Authors, Users and Listeners.

Secondly, you need to realise that you are writing for Listeners, who are people who are not like you. They are busy, and technology will probably not be their main focus in life. You need to write something that communicates so effectively that even when it has been taken and half-remembered by a User, and then half-explained in an elevator to a Listener, they will understand your point. This is not an easy task.

Thirdly, you need to understand how this wiki is structured and why, so that the content you create can fit well within it. Review the sample pages with their explanations of what each section contains and is for.

Once you get that, you need to email Gerv to get an account created. Then, start editing :-)