MDN/Product roadmap

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Product Roadmap

The MDN product roadmap is maintained in a Google document. This document is new as of 2015 and is still under development, which is why some sections are incomplete. It is intended to be a living document and will continue changing.

Individual teams contributing to MDN maintain their own backlogs of projects related to MDN's overall product KPIs.

  • Content projects are tracked in a Trello board. The content team manages a matrix to define priorities.


  1. New feature requests are submitted via a bug. Bugs submitted with this form get an importance of “enhancement”.
  2. Once weekly, all bugs submitted to the MDN component are triaged during a weekly meeting of MDN stakeholders. During this meeting, enhancement bugs can be flagged with a whiteboard flag, “productwanted”, if they require further articulation or specification.
  3. Once monthly, a “product council” meets for 1 hour in a public meeting to do two things:
    1. for the first 15m, discuss "product meta": Questions and topics about MDN as a product; product processes; etc.
    2. for the next 30m, review enhancement bugs:
      1. review all “productwanted” bugs and advance them to the point where they can be implemented, or do something else to them (at which point the “productwanted” flag can be removed)
      2. if time allows, review/triage all enhancement bugs in MDN component, sorting by last change with the most recently changed bugs at the bottom of the list
      3. the product council led by the product manager may…
        • WONTFIX bugs that describe enhancements that are unsuitable for the product, with an explanation of why
        • add a [patchwelcome][difficulty=beginner|intermediate|expert] whiteboard tag to any feature that would be a welcome addition, but is not on the roadmap
        • remove the “productwanted” flag from any enhancement bug that is sufficiently articulated to work on
        • put the current articulation of the bug (or links to that) into the user story field of the bug
        • add any enhancement bug to a product roadmap
    3. for the last 15m, review the roadmap and adjust priorities based on the following factors:
      1. features clearly supporting MDN KPIs and overall Mozilla goals will be prioritized higher than features not clearly supporting those
      2. features clearly impacting larger categories of audience will be prioritized higher than features impacting smaller categories of audience
      3. features with hard deadlines may be prioritized higher in order to meet deadlines
