Main Page/Friends/User Experience

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Guidelines for Mozilla User Experience

Mozilla User Experience is responsible for ....

Mozilla Privacy Principles

No Surprises

At Mozilla, we only use and share information about our users for their benefit and as disclosed in our notices. For User Experience, ....

Real Choices

At Mozilla, we give our users actionable and informed choices by informing and educating at the point of collection and providing a choice to opt-out whenever possible.

Sensible Settings

At Mozilla, we establish default settings in our products and services that balance safety and user experience as appropriate for the context of the transaction. In User Experience....

Limited Data

At Mozilla, we collect and retain the least amount of information necessary for the feature or task. We try to share anonymous aggregate data whenever possible, and then only when it benefits the web, users, or developers

User Control

At Mozilla, we do not disclose personal user information without the user’s consent. We advocate, develop and innovate for privacy enhancements that put people in control over their information and online experiences. In User Experience...

Trusted Third Parties

At Mozilla, we make privacy a key factor in selecting and interacting with partners. In User Experience....