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More info will be filled out here eventually. In the meantime, here's a list of current resources for Mirror Admins


  • Mozilla is currently running a hacked up copy of Bouncer v1. v2 and v3 were developed based on Mozilla (and Open Office?) feature requests but turned out to have a database schema that didn't scale to the magnitude of requests we serve.
  • [1] - source of the code we're currently running, including both Bouncer (the website) and Sentry (the monitoring code). <- updated link 7/9/2009, had the incorrect link prior to that date
  • [2] - list of mirrors currently active in Bouncer, generated once daily from the database by a cron job. Any mirror with a weight of 1000 or higher is listed as a "Primary" mirror.
  • [3] - Instructions for how to set up a mirror.
  • [4] - Open bugs and feature requests for Mozilla's Bouncer.
  • [5] - monitoring of servers in the releases.mozilla.org and releases-rsync.mozilla.org round-robin pools (use guest/guest for the user/pass).
  • [6] - monitoring of the entire mirror network with current weighting (use guest/guest for the user/pass).
  • Releases - schedule of upcoming releases