Mobile/Projects/NFC bump

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Full Query
ID Priority Summary Status Assigned to
726335 -- Use NDEF Push with NFC (Android Beam | API level 14) for transferring currently focused tab RESOLVED Kartikaya Gupta (
847898 -- Disable Android beam support on beta/release until a release with permissions bump VERIFIED Kartikaya Gupta (
848901 -- NFC causes crashes in GB phones RESOLVED Kartikaya Gupta (
849281 -- java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: android.nfc.NdefMessage.<init> at org.mozilla.gecko.BrowserApp$6.createNdefMessage( RESOLVED Kartikaya Gupta (
884478 -- NFC MiFare Ultralight Tag Support RESOLVED
889389 -- Security Review: NFC Bump For Tab Sharing NEW Daniel Veditz [:dveditz]
894320 -- [B2G][NFC][User Story]: Support sharing of Image/Video content VERIFIED Ken Chang[:kenkai]
894322 -- [B2G][NFC][User Story]: Support NFC Payment App / Enablers RESOLVED Ken Chang[:kenkai]
894323 -- [B2G][NFC][User Story]: Support Reading of NFC tags VERIFIED
894672 -- [B2G][NFC][User Story]: Support NFC Pairing VERIFIED
894673 -- [B2G][NFC][User Story]: Support NFC Pairing (Wifi AP case) RESOLVED
894676 -- [B2G][NFC][User Story]: Support sharing of Contacts VERIFIED Ken Chang[:kenkai]
894678 -- [B2G][NFC][User Story]: Support sharing of URLs VERIFIED Ken Chang[:kenkai]
894689 -- [B2G][NFC][User Story]: Support NFC APIs for apps VERIFIED
894691 -- [B2G][NFC][User Story]: NFC APIs for payments / Secure SIM / Wallet RESOLVED Ken Chang[:kenkai]
904246 -- [B2G][NFC][User Story]: Support NFC Settings UI VERIFIED
952019 -- [B2G][NFC][User Story]: Support NFC based tap and transfer content Play RESOLVED
979152 -- [B2G][NFC][User Story]: Tap-to-pay (with HCI event triggering) for payments at Point of Sale VERIFIED Vincent Chang[:vchang][changyihsin]
979154 -- [B2G][NFC][User Story]: Add couponing (EMV+MIFARE) to tap-to-pay VERIFIED Vincent Chang[:vchang][changyihsin]
979157 -- [B2G][NFC][User Story]: Tap-to-go (using MIFARE 1k) functionality to pass through gates VERIFIED Vincent Chang[:vchang][changyihsin]
979158 -- [B2G][NFC][User Story]: Enable management of NFC services with the Mobile Wallet UI app RESOLVED Vincent Chang[:vchang][changyihsin]
979767 -- Supporting web application triggering based on HCI event EVT_TRANSACTION RESOLVED Garner Lee
979888 -- B2G NFC: support UICC-based card-emulation as per Mifare RESOLVED Dimi Lee [:dimi]
979891 -- B2G NFC: NFC Daemon shall support HCI Event EVT-TRANSACTION handling RESOLVED Dimi Lee [:dimi]
987043 -- [NFC-Payment-RIL-Vendor-Support ] BIP support for the remote management of secure element applets RESOLVED
989889 -- [B2G][NFC][User Story]: NFC Daemon modifications for supporting Tap2pay RESOLVED Dimi Lee [:dimi]
1016003 -- [NFC-Payment-RIL-Vendor-Support] RIL/Baseband need to support APDU exchange via logical channel communcation on Flame. RESOLVED Vincent Chang[:vchang][changyihsin]
1035721 -- Vendor NFC Lib doesn't forward the correct EVT-TRANSACTION data from SIM applet to NFCd RESOLVED
1102019 -- [User Story] [NFC] Making NFC APIs privileged so 3rd party apps can use them RESOLVED Vincent Chang[:vchang][changyihsin]
1239669 -- nfc on sony z3c RESOLVED

30 Total; 1 Open (3.33%); 18 Resolved (60%); 11 Verified (36.67%);


  • Fun way of sharing open tabs between NFC-enabled phones


  • When both phones are NFC-enabled and turned on, be able to 'bump' from one to another the open tab for fun, simple sharing

User stories

  • As a user, I want a fun way of sharing my open tab with another phone using NFC, to avoid having to type in another 'sharing' method.

UX design

  • TBC

Quality criteria

  1. User stories are satisfied
  2. Specifications are met