MozCampAsia2012/Schedule/GrowMozilla/Mozilla Reps

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Title of Session (should also be the title of your Wiki page): Mozilla Reps - Next Steps

Facilitator(s): William Quiviger and Pierros Papadeas

Are you paid or volunteer staff?: Staff

Area of Contribution (Team Name): Contributor Engagement

How are you currently involved with the community?: Pierros and I are community organizers for EMEA and project leads for Mozilla Reps

Location of Work (where do you reside?): Paris & Athens

Talk Length (please choose between 30, 60, 90, 120 minutes): 60

Summary: Since its launch in June of 2011, the Mozilla Reps program has mobilised more than 400 core volunteers from the Mozilla project and has empowered them to be official representatives of Mozilla in their region, but also of the region in Mozilla. This talk will first give a bried summary of what's been accomplished so far and then open up a discussion on how we can best leverage the Mozilla Reps program to improve community health and increase Mozilla's contributor base.

How your session furthers the MozCamp Goals ( The session will focus on Mozilla's goal to grow and strenghten its community of volunteers.

Expected Outcome or Deliverable: straw man on how to best integrate the Mozilla Reps program across the organization and help team managers leverage the program to increase the number of contributors contributing to their project.

Desired Audience Type or Skill-set: Anyone interested in helping group Mozilla's contributor base - no specific skill-set required

Equipment Needs (Video projector already included): Flipchart or whiteboard

To Be Completed by the Audience-

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