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Title of Session (should also be the title of your Wiki page): Spreading the Social API Facilitator(s): Laura Forrest, Chad Weiner

Are you paid or volunteer staff?: Paid

Area of Contribution (Team Name): Engagement, Product Marketing

How are you currently involved with the community?: Various ways, mostly l10n and helping MozReps spread Firefox Desktop

Location of Work (where do you reside?): San Francisco

Talk Length (please choose between 30, 60, 90, 120 minutes): 90

Summary: By Moz Camp Asia we should have shared a campaign concept around the social API with the local communities that will be at Moz Camp Asia. This will include the overall concept, assets, CTA, and game plan. We'd love for local communities to then make those concepts their own.

This session would be a workshop, or, final "huddle" to help finalize regional campaigns, provide budget if needed, and to give feedback before these campaigns go live.

We will go through regional campaign ideas to help enable and improve, if needed. The expectation is that they'd launch their campaign within the following 2-3 weeks after this workshop.

How your session furthers the MozCamp Goals: The Social API is a competitive feature we think has substantial potential to help increase Firefox Desktop usage.

Expected Outcome or Deliverable: See at least 3 campaigns launch due to this program

Desired Audience Type or Skill-set: Marketing, or have interest in Marketing and Social Media

Equipment Needs (Video projector already included):

To Be Completed by the Audience-

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