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Places Meeting 2pm 01.04.07
Mano moof sspitzer hey guys. sspitzer should we begin? sayrer copy dietrich si sspitzer Mano has been on fire lately, perhaps he can update us first? Mano Hey all Mano So, few updates: Mano 1. All regression from the places-controller redsign are fixed AFAICT Mano 2. Also fixed some long-standing issues with the toolbar view for places-bookmark- enabled builds Mano 3. Lately I was working on the organizer window to make it more like Fx2's bookmarks manager Mano As part of that: Mano * History is no longer accessible from the organizer window dietrich for reference, #1 is bug 359462 and bug 364828, yes? Mano * So isn't the horked subscriptions view Mano dietrich: the fix for 364828 was backed out, mostly Mano in favour of the patch on bug 365171 Mano Bugs for 1) are the dependencies of bug 359462 Mano So back to 3) Mano * The organizer window now a Fx2-like toolbar Mano * Now working on the "Move Bookmarks" dialog, see bug 365538 Mano almost done Mano We need to figure out ASAP dietrich mano: yep, at a minimum we need to move from URIs to using unique bookmark IDs sspitzer dietrich: once we make that, it will allow us to bookmark the same URI twice, right? dietrich sspitzer: right dietrich Mano: are you in town next week? dietrich i'll be down next tues-thurs in mt view Mano dietrich: no dietrich :( Mano dietrich: visa issues Mano otherwise i would make the summit, y'know. dietrich i've made the schema changes, and started the code changes, but haven't gotten far dietrich bug 360133 for reference Mano hrm, I'm not cced. dietrich i'll make that top priority. the changes will be big, so better sooner than later sayrer ...perf regressions? Mano speaking of perf, dietrich sayrer: are you asking about potential regressions from fixing bug 360133? sayrer no, I'm asking if we ever did anything about the regressions from turning on bookmarks sayrer (I'm willing to help if there's anything I can do) Mano the history sidebar view seems to be very unresponsive Mano might be a cocoa-cairo issue though. sspitzer sayrer: do you mean the Ts, Tp, regressions? dietrich sayrer: is there a bug #? sspitzer sspitzer firebot 364272 dietrich ah, ok, not turning on bookmarks sspitzer there is also a perf issue with the history sidebar, where searching is slow. I'm looking for the bug dietrich does the tinderbox test use a pre-existing profile? dietrich that's hinted at in dietrich if so, we could add a places.sqlite file to it and fix both penalties mentioned in that comment,yeah? sayrer yes, we just need to actually do something sayrer and then measure dietrich we could just take the places.sqlite created by the import in that test. that should provide parity between the 2 history files. sayrer ok, who will make it happen? :) sayrer do we need a build guy for that? dietrich i'll take it, if no one else has the bandwidth dietrich need to talk to rhelmer to see what the deal is w/ the profile the tests use sayrer ok, so should you take bug 364272 from sspitzer? sspitzer (the perf issue I mentioned with searching the sidebar is, I'll spin it off to a new bug) dietrich yeah, well i'll take it from :) sayrer oh yeah. this new bugzilla screen confuses me sspitzer sayrer / dietrich: I'll go log the Tp and Txul regression bugs, per Mano please cc me sspitzer Mano: will do * Mano should reconsider watching places@firefox.bugs sspitzer I've got a few things to report, since 12/14 (our last meeting) sspitzer 1) fixed mozilla/tools/tinderbox-configs/firefox/win32/mozconfig so that the experimental tbox for places is --enable-places-bookmarks, see sspitzer 1) fixed mozilla/tools/tinderbox-configs/firefox/win32/mozconfig so that the experimental tbox for places is --enable-places-bookmarks, see sspitzer 1) fixed mozilla/tools/tinderbox-configs/firefox/win32/mozconfig so that the experimental tbox for places is --enable-places-bookmarks, see sspitzer (oops, I only did that once) sspitzer 2) fix for regression bug #364018, cannot drag and drop url from location bar or webpage to bookmark toolbar. sspitzer 3) fix for bug #364325, History search shows the results in wrong (reverse) sort order. sspitzer 4) fix for bug #364316, [places] some favicons in the history sidebar and the bookmarks dialog are bigger than 16px by 16px. Mano dan is still working on the bookmarks sidebar? dietrich thunder: ^^^ dietrich i have nothing to report, was gone the last 2 weeks :P dietrich still working on addbookmark dialog, singleton fix, sync spec Mano dietrich: I hope you do rely on the current dialog... * Mano does dietrich Mano: yes, so far, i've just rearranged the xul in the current places dialog to look like the old bookmarks dialog dietrich w/ some re-gluing to get things to work dietrich need to fix styles, and also the microsummaries stuff Mano dietrich: partial patches are OK to land too at this point dietrich Mano: ok, i'll check it in after some more shaping up Mano dietrich: otherwise we'll break each other's work quite often I guess. Mano joe made some mistakes when writing that dialog Mano in particular, the js code seems to try very hard to look like a component thunder dietrich: er thunder yes thunder sorry, I've been slow on that one Mano |window| is passed as an argument to the init method thunder I just picked it back up this week dietrich Mano: yeah, doesn't seem necessary. i can refactor it away :) dietrich thunder: do you know if Ts uses a new profile? or a preconfigured profile for testing? thunder iirc it's a new profile thunder with some modifications Mano dietrich: it creates a new profile on each run IIRC thunder there is a set of functions in tinderbox that set up the profile sayrer dietrich: is the sync spec wiki'd anywhere? dietrich sayrer: no. i have a bunch of notes that i need to pull together into a spec :) sayrer ok sspitzer ok, meeting over? sspitzer I'll post today's up on the wiki dietrich ok, thanks sspitzer, bye all