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Places Meeting 2pm 01.11.07

<dietrich> the fx3 initial requirements surfaced yesterday:
<dietrich> big places-related items:
<dietrich>  - sync
<dietrich>  - platform
<dietrich>  - possible organizer ui re-arrange
<dietrich> also, we met today to talk about adding starring/tagging, and better searching to that list
<dietrich>  the link for those not in channel earlier:
<dietrich>  the other item in the requirements is Places as Platform
<dietrich>  which we realized isn't really spec'd out, and needs to be
<dietrich> if people have specific ideas about what that requirement should mean, please say so, add to the wiki, etc
<Mano> dietrich: you had a chance to discuss the scheme changes with brett?
<dietrich> Mano: the schema changes? yes, we did discuss somewhat in some of the earlier places meetings
<Mano> how is it going btw?
* Mano doesn't have the bug # handy.
<dietrich> removing the singleton issue is a long slog. i've gotten much of the bookmark service done, and am working on updating the histresult stuff to work w/ bookmark ids, etc
<dietrich> bug 360133
<firebot> dietrich: Bug nor, --, Firefox 3 alpha1,, NEW, Bookmarks must be internally uniquely identifiable
<Mano> ty
<dietrich> anyone else have updates? or comments about the fx3 requirements?
<sspitzerMsgMe> I have a brief update
<sspitzerMsgMe> checked in a small polish fix:  fix for bug #366481, blank menu item under the "File" menu in the places (organize bookmarks) dialog.
<firebot> sspitzerMsgMe: Bug nor, --, Firefox 3 alpha2,, RESO FIXED, blank menu item under File menu in places, should be "Properties...", but should be under the edit m
<sspitzerMsgMe> but made some more progress on [Bug 363621] [places] history sidebar, delete doesn't work properly ( when grouped by date, or date and site)
<firebot> sspitzerMsgMe: Bug nor, --, Firefox 3 alpha2,, ASSI, [places] history sidebar, delete doesn't work properly (when grouped by date, or date and site)
<Mano> breif update here as well:
<Mano> 1) I made some progress on bug 365405; almost done, I think.
<firebot> Mano: Bug nor, --, mozilla1.9alpha,, NEW, the xbl binding for a menupopup is attached only once the menu is opened, after popupshowing is disp
<Mano> (This breaks the bookmarks menu on mac)
<Mano> 2) checked in some cleanup to places-shared-xul code, see bug 365981
<firebot> Mano: Bug nor, P2, Firefox 3 alpha2,, RESO FIXED, Places XUL cleanup
<Mano> 3) Also fixed bug 366174 (Fx2 UI parity)
<firebot> Mano: Bug nor, --, Firefox 3 alpha2,, RESO FIXED, Open in Tabs context menu item is enabled for empty folders
<Mano> 4) Move-bookmark(s) dialog (bug 365538)
<firebot> Mano: Bug nor, P2, Firefox 3 alpha2,, RESO FIXED, "Move Bookmark(s)" UI in Places Organizer
<Mano> 5) Some middle-click behavior fixes under bug 331856
<firebot> Mano: Bug nor, P3, Firefox 3 alpha2,, RESO FIXED, Middle-clicking Bookmarks Toolbar / non-bookmark items in Bookmarks menu opens all bookmarks in tabs
<Mano> 6) bug 366589 - avoid initializing two queries for each search/sort change in the history sidebar.
<firebot> Mano: Bug nor, P2, Firefox 3 alpha2,, RESO FIXED, Avoid places URIs parsing in the history sidebar as much as possible
<dietrich> awesome, thanks for the update mano
<dietrich> ok, adios everyone