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Goals Summary



Mac OS X

  • Finish Gecko 1.9 work for release.
  • Create plans for Firefox 3.1. By the end of Q2 we should have decided exactly what features and fixes the Mac OS X group will contribute to Firefox 3.1. Decisions should be written up with specific details in the Mac OS X section of
  • Create plans for Mozilla 2 work. By the end of Q2 we should know what the first priorities will be for each Mac OS X group member once we start work on Mozilla 2 nearly full-time. These priorities should be written up with specific details in the Mac OS X section of
  • Start thinking about Mac OS X requirements for a widget testing framework. What widget functionality can we realistically test with automated tests and how might we execute such tests? Of the functionality we can test, what needs testing most? Progress answering these questions should be written up on in a new section covering widget testing plans.


  • Add support for Content Restrictions of some kind
  • Implement a background content sink that continues searching for resources to load during script execution
  • DOMParser for text/html


  • Performance
    • iteration, numeric, string manipulation and closures
    • build work (source refactoring, compiler tweaks)
    • code generation for assignments and other common patterns
    • DOM: expando optimizations
  • ES4 early implementation
    • library additions cherry-picked from stable spec parts (bind, expand, catchalls), etc.
    • as few new-syntax cases case possible
  • DOM: mozilla.JSON
  • DOM: worker threads


Build System

Mozilla 2

Additional Goals

  • Add support for dwarf2 Mac symbols to Breakpad