
< QA‎ | Firefox3‎ | TestResults

Firefox 3 Alpha 5 Test Results

Contact Info

Build: Jon O'Duinn (joduinn)
QA: Tony (tchung)

Code Freeze
Code ship


Features landed

  • Web-based content handlers
  • Search engine keyword support
  • New Password Manager
  • First pieces of new Extension Manager (EM) work
  • Places
    • Parity with Fx2 Bookmarks and
    • Safeguard against data-
    • Bookmarks never lost between
    • Sync infrastructure
    • API for extensibility
    • Backup and restore
  • Identity framework (i.e. CardSpace support) ?
  • Growl Integration for OS X
  • Cross Site XMLHttpRequest (Partial)
  • FUEL 0.2
  • Offline Apps Support (partial)
  • Site-Specific Preferences


  1. Cover Smoketests, BFTs, and FFTs and log results in litmus. Mark area as PASS or FAIL, depending on blocking issues found.
  2. Run individual tests for Focused Testing section landed in this release. If none, skip this step.
  3. Record detailed results below.


The following tests are ran against en-US locale only.

Results Table

Types of Tests Win XP Win Vista Mac Linux
Smoketest Covered on daily basis (tracy) Covered on daily basis (Tomcat) Covered on daily basis (tracy) Covered on daily basis (Tomcat)
BFT PASS (ashughes,tracy) PASS (Tomcat) PASS (marcia, ashughes) PASS (juanb,tomcat)
FFT N/A for A5 N/A for A5 N/A for A5 N/A for A5
Focused Tests PASS/FAIL (Feature Owner) PASS/FAIL (Feature Owner) PASS/FAIL (Feature Owner) PASS/FAIL (Feature Owner)


  • Already covered on daily basis.


  • ashughes, tracy PASS
    • OS: Win XP
    • Build ID: 2007060104
    • Version ID: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9a5pre) Gecko/20070601 Minefield/3.0a5pre
    • Passed all tests with the following exceptions:
      • TEST #4037, Search Topics In Help, Bug #382879, Result #65919
        • Duplicate entry in Help Contents for "tabbed browsing"
      • TEST #4015, Verify Reordering Of Tabs By Drag + Drop, Bug #382893, Result #66022
        • Purple "I" separator that appears on bookmark toolbar is unnecessary and ugly
      • TEST #4108, Invoke Master Password, Bug #381164, Result #66215
        • When Master Password is used, it is asked at every startup
      • Other bugs found:
        • Bug #382903 - Java console doesnt exit on tab exit, only browser exit
        • Bug #382906 - Java applet causes location bar to be unresponsive
  • tomcat PASS
    • OS: Win Vista
    • Build ID: 2007060104
    • Version ID: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv:1.9a5pre) Gecko/20070601 Minefield/3.0a5pre
    • Passed, minor issues also tested for ashughes.
  • tomcat,juanb PASS
    • OS: Linux Fedora FC6/7
    • Build ID: 2007060104
    • Passed.
      • Filed Bug [Bug 382827] New: Error Message in Linux Terminal when adding an RSS Feed ( NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE) [nsIAnnotationService.getItemAnnotationString


  • Not Applicable for this release.

Focused Tests

  • ashughes PASS with BROKEN TESTS
    • OS: Win XP
    • Build ID: 2007060104
    • Version ID: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9a5pre) Gecko/20070601 Minefield/3.0a5pre
    • Notes:
      • Password Manager Tests: ALL PASS
      • Security + Certs Tests: ALL PASS
      • Anti-phishing Tests: 2 PASS, 5 BROKEN
        • Bug 341950: safe browsing notification is hidden by content area
  • ashughes PASS with BROKEN TESTS
    • OS: Linux
    • Build ID: 2007060104
    • Version ID: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.9a5pre) Gecko/20070601 Minefield/3.0a5pre
    • Notes:
      • Password Manager Tests: ALL PASS
      • Security + Certs Tests: ALL PASS
      • Anti-phishing Tests: 2 PASS, 5 BROKEN
        • Bug 341950: safe browsing notification is hidden by content area
  • ctalbert PASS with BROKEN TESTS
    • OS: Vista
    • Build ID: 2007060601
    • Version ID: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv:1.9a5) Gecko/20070606 GranParadiso/3.0a5
    • Notes:
      • Tested some web-content stuff. Most of the current UI is not wired into the back end changes. It worked about as well as an alpha should. Filed one bug, found that others were already filed. bug 383491 other related issues: other web content/file handling bugs
  • ctalbert PASS with known bugs
    • OS: Mac OS X (intel)
    • Build ID: 2007060104
    • Version ID: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X; en-US; rv:1.9a5pre) Gecko/20070601 Minefield/3.0a5pre
    • Notes:
      • Tested Download manager changes
      • All BFT tests passed, found a few oddities that were already reported and with patches in bugzilla (they will land post a5)
  • <tester> PASS
    • OS: Win XP
    • Build ID: 2007053017
    • Version ID: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X; en-US; rv:1.9a5pre) Gecko/20070530 Minefield/3.0a5pre

Blocker Bugs for A5