QA/Team Meeting/QA Team Meeting-2015-09-30

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Mozilla QA Meeting Wednesday, September 30, 2015

# Every other Weds @ 1:30p Pacific Time - Mozilla HQ, Room: QA
# Vidyo:
# Phone:  +1 650 903 0800 or 650-215-1282 x92 Conf# 99456 (US/INTL)
#         +1 800 707 2533 (pin 369) Conf# 99456 (US Toll Free)
#         +1 416 848 3114 x92 Conf# 99456 (Canada)
# IRC:    irc://

Template available at:

Lead / Scribe

  • Lead: RyanVM
    • Lead is responsible for:
      • informing the Air Mozilla person in the Vidyo room when to start and stop recording
      • guiding the conversation according to the prepared agenda; eliciting questions and comments
      • handing off lead and scribe duties to a new volunteer for next meeting
  • Scribe: Stuart
    • Scribe is responsible for:
      • adding the action items and takeaways to the current meeting's minutes
      • creating the agenda for the next meeting and carrying the action items and takeaways over to it
      • sending out a notice of the availability of that agenda along with the meeting invite
      • completing all of the above by the end of the week during which the meeting occurred

Actions From Last Week

  • Stuart to schedule QA-discussion meeting for next Wednesday during the regular, but off-schedule QA-meeting time
    • done!
  • Stephen to check on the Show-n-Tell schedule for Krupa (30th) - cancel/clear out or rotate someone else in?
    • done; Maja is demoing today!

Deadlines and Schedules

Next Merge: August 5, 2024 Next Release: August 6, 2024
Central: 130 Aurora: 54 Beta: 129 Release: 128

Other Notable Dates/Events (Read Only)

Discussion & Updates for Team

Show And Tell

Community [read only]


New Contributor Spotlight

These are new contributors, if you see them around, say hello

Contributor Honor Roll

For those that went above and beyond this week, we salute you here.

Quarterly Goals

Action Items and notes from the meeting

  • Please bold action items.
  • We will take notes on this etherpad
  • move mozharness etherpad to wiki - majazf
  • stephend to take next show and tell on october 14
  • karl to speak about QA results on october 28

Travel / PTO (Read Only)



Next Meeting's Lead/Scribe

  • Lead: stephend
  • Scribe: RyanVM