Releases/Firefox 24.3.0esr/BuildNotes

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Build 1

  • linux build failed due to OOM killer (c3 instances have less memory than m3 and no swap).
  • Retriggerring didn't help.
  • Landed a patch on the production branch only, reconfigured the scheduler and builder masters, then retriggerred a build.

Build 2

  • to prevent the OOMs this time I jumped to the build machines (bld-linux64-ec2-202 and bld-linux64-ec2-204) and enabled swap:
fallocate -l 4G /tmp/swap_file
mkswap /tmp/swap_file
swapon /tmp/swap_file
free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          7492       2608       4884          0        158       2066
-/+ buffers/cache:        383       7109
Swap:         4095          0       4095
  • mac build failed because the script extract the signed tarball. Either network or the signing servers. Rebuild fixed the issue.
  • orange check permissions because the build1 files have been pushed to the releases directory. I was lucky to remove the directory before AV scan finished to allow push to mirrors work properly.
  • bug 966637 is causing issues with final verify