Releases/Firefox 3.1b3

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« Release Schedule

Tracking document for the release of Firefox 3.1 Beta 3. See also:


  • Overall lead: beltzner
  • Dev lead: beltzner
  • Build lead: nthomas
  • QA lead: tchung
  • Web lead: beltzner

Code Schedule / Development Work Remaining

  • String freeze is January 1st, 11:59pm PST (happy new year)
  • Code freeze: January 25th, 11:59pm PST March 3rd, 11:59pm PST
  • QA Start: March 5th, 9:00am PST
  • Release March 12th, 2:00pm PDT

Release Tracking & Schedule

step date status
tree closed / frozen for slushy freeze March 3rd, 11am PST done
tag mozilla-1.9.1 for build
changeset: df865af82400
March 4th, 9:00pm PST done
build1: linux & mac builds generated
available here
March 5th, 2am PST done
build1: signed win32 builds generated
available here
March 5th, 11am PST done
update relbranch for respin
changeset: 3d9704097cd8
March 5th, 12:45pm PST done
build2: linux & mac builds generated
available here
March 5th, 3:30pm PST done
build2: signed win32 builds generated
available here
March 6th, 1:30am PST done
QA tests


March 10th, 5:00pm PDT done
release notes, first run pages on www-trunk.stage.m.c March 11th, 9am PDT done
all-beta download page on www-trunk.stage.m.c March 11th, 9am PDT done
QA tests website changes on trunk March 11th, 2:30pm PDT done
all web changes on authstage.m.c March 12th 7:30am PDT done
release & announce phase
release notes & first run pages pushed live March 12th, 7:30am PDT done
builds pushed to mirrors March 12th, 7:00am PDT done
QA tests bouncer links on www.stage March 12th, 11am PDT done
QA verifies updates on releasetest channel (really a bouncer test), and web pages March 12th, 11am PDT done
all-beta download page pushed live March 12th, 12:30pm PDT done
QA verifies bouncer links March 12th, 1:15pm PDT done
build enables updates on beta channel March 12th, 12:30pm PDT done
QA verifies updates on beta channel March 12th, 1:15pm PDT done
release announced March 12th, 1:30pm PDT done