Search Service:API

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This is the proposed API for the the new Firefox search service. It is not yet final. Please comment on the discussion page or in the bug itself.


interface nsISearchSubmission : nsISupports {

  * The POST data associated with a search submission, wrapped in a MIME
  * input stream. May be null.
 readonly attribute nsIInputStream postData;
  * The URI to submit a search to.
 readonly attribute nsIURI uri;



interface nsISearchEngine : nsISupports {

  * Gets a nsISearchSubmission object that contains information about what to
  * send to the search engine, including the URI and postData, if applicable. 
  * @param   data
  *          Data to add to the submission object.
  *          i.e. the search terms.
  * @param   responseType
  *          The MIME type that we'd like to receive in response
  *          to this submission.  If null, will default to "text/html".
  * @returns A nsISearchSubmission object that contains information about what
  *          to send to the search engine.
 nsISearchSubmission getSubmission(in AString data, in AString responseType);
  * Adds a parameter to the search engine's submission data. This should only
  * be called on engine's created via addEngineWithDetails.
  * @param name
  *        The parameter's name. Must not be null.
  * @param value
  *        The value to pass. If value is "{searchTerms}", it will be
  *        substituted with the user-entered data when retrieving the
  *        submission. Must not be null.
  * @throws NS_ERROR_FAILURE if the search engine is read-only.
  * @throws NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG if name or value are null.
 void addParam(in AString name, in AString value);
  * Supported search engine types.
 const unsigned long TYPE_MOZSEARCH     = 1;
 const unsigned long TYPE_SHERLOCK      = 2;
 const unsigned long TYPE_OPENSEARCH    = 3;
  * Supported search engine data types.
 const unsigned long DATA_XML     = 1;
 const unsigned long DATA_TEXT    = 2;
  * The shortcut alias of the engine. This is a unique identifier.
 attribute AString alias;
  * Whether the engine should be hidden from the user.
 attribute boolean hidden;
  * A nsIURI corresponding to the engine's icon, stored locally. May be null.
 readonly attribute nsIURI iconURI;
  * A string corresponding to the engine icon's URL. This will return
  * iconURI.spec, or an empty string if the engine has no iconURI.
 readonly attribute AString iconURL;
  * The display name of the search engine. This is a unique identifier.
 readonly attribute AString name;
  * The search engine type.
 readonly attribute long type;
  * A URL string pointing to the engine's search form.
 readonly attribute AString searchForm;



interface nsISearchService : nsISupports {

  * Adds a new search engine from the file at the supplied URI.
  *  @param engineURL the URL to the search engine's description file.
  *  @param type an integer representing the plugin file format. Must be one
  *         of the supported search engine data types defined above.
  *  @param iconURL the URL to an icon file to be used as the search engine's
  *         icon.
  *  @throws NS_ERROR_FAILURE if the type is invalid, or if the description
  *          file cannot be successfully loaded.
 void addEngine(in AString engineURL, in long type, in AString iconURL);
  * Adds a new search engine.
  * @param name
  *        The search engine's name. Must be unique. Must not be null.
  * @param iconURI
  *        Optional: A URL string pointing to the icon to be used to represent
  *        the engine.
  * @param alias
  *        Optional: A unique shortcut that can be used to retrieve the
  *        search engine.
  * @param description
  *        Optional: a description of the search engine.
  * @param method
  *        The HTTP request method used when submitting a search query.
  *        Must be a case insensitive value of either "get" or "post".
  * @param url
  *        The URL to which search queries should be sent.
  *        Must not be null.
 void addEngineWithDetails(in AString name,
                           in AString iconURL,
                           in AString alias,
                           in AString description,
                           in AString method,
                           in AString url);
  * Returns an engine with the specified alias.
  * @param   alias
  *          The search engine's alias.
  * @returns The corresponding nsISearchEngine object, or null if it doesn't
  *          exist.
 nsISearchEngine getEngineByAlias(in AString alias);
  * Returns an engine with the specified name.
  * @param   aEngineName
  *          The name of the engine.
  * @returns The corresponding nsISearchEngine object, or null if it doesn't
  *          exist.
 nsISearchEngine getEngineByName(in AString aEngineName);
  * Returns an array of all installed search engines.
  * @returns an array of nsISearchEngine objects.
 void getEngines(
           out unsigned long engineCount, 
           [retval, array, size_is(engineCount)] out nsISearchEngine engines);
  * Returns an array of all installed search engines whose hidden attribute is
  * false.
  * @returns an array of nsISearchEngine objects.
 void getVisibleEngines(
           out unsigned long engineCount, 
           [retval, array, size_is(engineCount)] out nsISearchEngine engines);
  * Removes the search engine. If the search engine is installed in a global
  * location, this will just hide the engine. If the engine is in the user's
  * profile directory, it will be removed from disk.
  * @param   engine
  *          The engine to remove.
 void removeEngine(in nsISearchEngine engine);
  * The default search engine.
 readonly attribute nsISearchEngine defaultEngine;
  * The currently active search engine.
 attribute nsISearchEngine currentEngine;  
