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Item Reviewed

Create API for content to keep the screensaver from turning on (or to prevent phone/tablet's screen from turning off)
     Full Query    
ID Summary Priority Status
697132 Create API for content to keep the screensaver from turning on (or to prevent phone/tablet's screen from turning off) -- RESOLVED
749376 SecReview: Resource Lock API -- RESOLVED

2 Total; 0 Open (0%); 2 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

The given value "
     Full Query    
ID Summary Priority Status
697132 Create API for content to keep the screensaver from turning on (or to prevent phone/tablet's screen from turning off) -- RESOLVED
749376 SecReview: Resource Lock API -- RESOLVED

2 Total; 0 Open (0%); 2 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

" contains strip markers and therefore it cannot be parsed sufficiently.

Introduce the Feature

Goal of Feature, what is trying to be achieved (problem solved, use cases, etc)

1) Expose power management features to privileged gaia apps 2) Allow content to request a wake lock for a resource - for each resource, content can hold a lock of state of locked, locked but not visible and unlocked. - not visible is only observed for some topics (e.g. it doesn't make sense for network or, perhaps, CPU)

  • Topics: Are they defined yet (apparently not)?
  • Mentioned so far:
    • CPU
    • Screen lock / brightness
    • Network lock
  • Suggestion from Lucas - At least on the Desktop, being able to grab the screenlock could be implicit if you're fullscreen or playing a video.

2 weird things:

  1. it has 2 surfaces that are exposes; 1 to content,
  2. to privileged (see interface link above) - doesn't allow you to actually do anything - it allows you to request and monitor lock state
  • All the policy ends up happening either in gaia or chrome.js
  • 1 policy - things that aren't visible can't affect the

What solutions/approaches were considered other than the proposed solution?

Why was this solution chosen?


Any security threats already considered in the design and why?

  • Battery flattening (by carelessly developed / malicious content) are discussed in bug 697132

Threat Brainstorming

  • There's a question around what kind of apps should be able to do various things (e.g. turn screen on / off, lock, CPU, etc)
  • What could go wrong with notifications (from the backend); these essentially result in js being executed
  • Property "SecReview feature goal" (as page type) with input value "1) Expose power management features to privileged gaia apps

    2) Allow content to request a wake lock for a resource - for each resource, content can hold a lock of state of locked, locked but not visible and unlocked. - not visible is only observed for some topics (e.g. it doesn't make sense for network or, perhaps, CPU)

    • Topics: Are they defined yet (apparently not)?
    • Mentioned so far:
      • CPU
      • Screen lock / brightness
      • Network lock
    • Suggestion from Lucas - At least on the Desktop, being able to grab the screenlock could be implicit if you're fullscreen or playing a video.

    2 weird things:

    1. it has 2 surfaces that are exposes; 1 to content,
    2. to privileged (see interface link above) - doesn't allow you to actually do anything - it allows you to request and monitor lock state
    • All the policy ends up happening either in gaia or chrome.js
    • 1 policy - things that aren't visible can't affect the" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
    • Property "SecReview alt solutions" (as page type) with input value "* see [ bug 697132" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
    • Property "SecReview threats considered" (as page type) with input value "* Battery flattening (by carelessly developed / malicious content) are discussed in [ bug 697132" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
    • Property "SecReview threat brainstorming" (as page type) with input value "* There's a question around what kind of apps should be able to do various things (e.g. turn screen on / off, lock, CPU, etc)
    • What could go wrong with notifications (from the backend); these essentially result in js being executed" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.

Action Items

Action Item Status In Progress
Release Target `
Action Items
Who bug Action By When Completed date

[NEW] new [DONE] Done [MISSED] Miss

jlebar 764131 Fixing the b2g screen wake lock to have permissions [NEW] new

Bugzilla query error

The given value "

Who bug Action By When Completed date [NEW] new [DONE] Done [MISSED] Miss

jlebar 764131 Fixing the b2g screen wake lock to have permissions

[NEW] new

Bugzilla query error

" contains strip markers and therefore it cannot be parsed sufficiently.


Discussion on whether origin is appropriate in the context of apps - most of the detail around this exists elsewhere (permission discussion, etc)