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Remember, we are on "lock-down" until after the all-hands. Upcoming tasks:

  • MySQL upgrade (this has waited too long, and now we're suffering in scl2 as we butt up against various performance limits there)
  • Membase stuff

New Hire

Chris Kolosiwsky (ko-lo-SOO-skee) is our new Systems Administrator. Less interfacing with eng than atoll/petef/jlaz -- more back-end stuff. He starts Thursday.


Core Server Platform

Roadmap (Toby)

Big Lebowski (rtilder)


Client (philikon/rnewman)

  • Philipp rolling up train; delay due to Labor Day plus waiting for two bugs to land, and only one change waiting to merge. I'm guessing there'll be no train next week due to All-Hands.
  • Minor orange from errorhandler test (Bug 684783). Fixxored?
  • Marina's last week. Intern presentation on Wednesday. Farewell on Friday. *sniff*
  • rnewman in MV Friday afternoon for All-Hands.
  • philikon offsite at MozPUW booked. Async, here we come! That'll be early October, then rnewman will be back in the Bay Area. Again.
  • Setup improvements: working out Key Exchange v3 spec (bug 684074), proof of concept for window-modal wizard (bug 683000)
  • Favicons: waiting for feedback on Places changes. Otherwise, grinding along.

Server (Tarek)

Waiting for Ops to run a stress test for those two patches:


Client/Server (JR)


  • Dropped WebSockets work for now to focus on system prep for alpha.
  • Discovered significant memory issues with RabbitMQ
    • simplified data back end to use mongo data store for message queue and storage.
    • added storage tests.


  • revisit client code
  • stress tests
  • documentation and clean up
  • package up for beta deployment.

Beta Channel

Program Launch (mconnor)


Testing and Sign-offs (tracy)

  • If a client train is formed, we'll target sign-off for Wednesday.
  • I am behind on test suite cleanup. No train this week and next will be a blessing.
  • Making break through in Mozmill automation of Sync account setup. But hitting plenty of speed bumps; currently stuck at clicking the Continue button once all account information has been entered.
  • Sync QA tips and tricks video targeted for rough cut completion by end of QA work week 9/21. Then hand over to Rainer for final cut polish work.
  • Bi-monthly triage sessions have been productive. The UNCONFIRMED client bug list has been reduced to ~50 bugs. 90% of those remaining have a creation date older than 7 months.

FunkLoad for SyncStorage API Automation (jbonacci)

  • QA is ordering a new Linux desktop to install and configure FunkLoad for Sync Server automation.

Sync Server (jbonacci)

  • Trains of trains: deployment 4 for node allocation finally went out last week
  • Train of trains "post mortem" took place last week. QA summary went out to OPs.
  • QA continuing work on Sync6 vm for nightly server builds, access to AP in Dev environment, web server setup, etc.
  • QA continuing to work with OPs on various projects (time permitting due to OPs "lock-down"):
    • Monitoring of load tests in Stage environment
    • Getting Captcha/AP working in Stage or connected to Dev AP
    • Getting some help configuring Sync6

TPS (jgriffin/jbonacci)

  • QA will continue working with jgriffin on the client-side automation of Sync using TPS
  • Need a meeting with various involved parties to discuss progress, goals, etc.

Deployment Requests


Reports and Monitoring (daniel)



Firefox 6

Firefox 7






Q3 Goals

Notes and actions

Follow ups from last week

Other issues