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Contribute/Why Contribute

969 bytes added, 12:20, 7 August 2014
Created page with "= Why Contribute to Mozilla?= There are a multitude of reasons why people contribute to Mozilla. People contribute mostly because they ["
= Why Contribute to Mozilla?=

There are a multitude of reasons why people contribute to Mozilla. People contribute mostly because they [ believe in our mission.] No matter what kind of contribution you're interested in, you can find people to connect with.


The Mozilla community is diverse and exciting, and you can find people to collaborate with across the globe.

==Local Communities==

From England to Antarctica, you can find a community near you through the...


Have you been contributing to Mozilla for over six months? [[ReMo|Become a Rep!]]

= Firefox Student Ambassadors =

Are you a student who loves Mozilla? Want to share? [[StudentAmbassadors|Firefox Student Ambassadors]] may be for you.

= Mozilla Developer Network =

If you want to connect with other developers, get in touch with MDN, the [[MDN|Mozilla Developer Network!]]

= Webmaker =

Want to learn and teach the Web? Try [[Webmaker!]]
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