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14,431 bytes added, 03:40, 26 October 2014
copied from 2014-10-14 minutes
<small>[[SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/{{#time: Y-m-d | {{SUBPAGENAME}} -2 week}}|&laquo; last meeting]] | [[SeaMonkey:StatusMeetings|index]] | [[SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/{{#time: Y-m-d | {{SUBPAGENAME}} +2 week}}|next meeting &raquo;]]</small>

'''SeaMonkey Meeting Details'''

* Time: [ 28 October, 2014, '''13:00''' UTC]
** ('''9am''' Eastern, 1pm UK, 2pm Central Europe, '''9pm''' Hong Kong)
** NOTE: European Summer Time ends, time shifts by 1 hour UTC!
* Location: [irc:// #seamonkey IRC channel]
* Further Read: [[SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/Basics|Basics]]

== Agenda ==
* Who's taking minutes? -> '''TBD'''
* Nominees for Friends of the Fish Tank:
** '''TBD'''

=== Action Items ===
(who needs to do what that hasn't been recorded in a bug)
We should assign people to the open items.

* &mdash;
* ({{Bug|956561}}); move blog to [DONE]
** some sprucing / branding needs to happen next
* {{Bug|998807}} Sync account creation or device pairing fails with exception in BrowserIDManager
** '''mcsmurf''' will look into this
* {{Bug|1057920}} SeaMonkey's CVS dependency really should be removed. (currently used only for Releng Automation, and SeaMonkey Website).
** '''IanN''' will create a separate bug for the releng automation stuff and will find out what is required to get the work done.
* &mdash;

=== Status of the SeaMonkey Buildbot Master and Tree ===
<!--Please update accordingly-->
* Buildmaster is up and running, and produces en-US builds, see 9/16 meeting's [[SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/2014-09-16#Agenda|Friends of the Fish Tank]]. Builds and langpacks in 18 languages including en-US are available unofficially thanks to A.Kalla, see also FOFT above.
** Due to the master having some mysql issues, Callek has put a halt on the mysql updates, which affects the tbpl. So nothing is showing in tbpl atm.
* comm-* will be building out of mozilla-* ({{bug|648979}} etc.). Jcrammer has completed the coding. The decision to merge c-c into m-c has been kicked down the road into the next quarter or two.
** Recent work on this:
** {{Bug|1040009}} .mozconfig configure options are ignored if objdir path is absolute
** {{Bug|1035599}} Pseudo-merge m-c and c-c's objdir

* [12th October 2014]
** Infrastructure issues
*** linux64 systems are still plagued by plagued by {{bug|1058385}}. Regular AWOLing. Currently 7 slaves are down.
*** WinNT systems are ok now. (touch wood)
*** NB: Currently the miscellaneous patches to fix the RelEng infra (tooltool are all applied to the master directly. Once reviewed, the patches will be pushed to their corresponding repositories and the master will be updated properly.
*** NB2: None of the test bustages are listed. Priority is currently set to get the builds running properly.
*** On mozilla-central a win64 change has landed recently and switching to VS2013. SeaMonkey Windows builders are running Vista and VS 2013 has a minimum requirement of WinXP SP1.
** [comm-central]
*** <s>OSX64 busted</s> : changes in OSX code signing paths. {{bug|1074019}}, {{Bug|1074021}}, {{Bug|1074025}}, {{Bug|1072663}}
**** Fixed on 2.32 and uplifted 2.31
*** WinNT busted : {{bug|1053652}} ?fixed in mozilla-central upstream?.
*** l10n nightly/dep builds busted : {{bug|1073327}} Fix waiting review.
*** blocklist update bustage : {{bug|1074572}} Fix waiting review.
** [comm-aurora]
*** blocklist update bustage : {{bug|1074572}} Fix waiting review.
*** OSX64 l10n nightly/dep bustage : related to {{bug|902876}}
*** WinNT (build/debug) bustage : RelEng issue. {{bug|1067567}}
*** OSX64 bustage: changes in OSX code signing paths. {{bug|1074019}}
** [comm-beta]
*** Linux debug bustage : {{bug|1053081}} Fix waiting to be checked-in.
*** WinNT build/debug bustage : <s>{{bug|1072711}}</s> <s>{{Bug|1069114}}</s> {{Bug|1037667}}
** [comm-release]
*** OSX64 bustage : {{bug|1023644}} Patches waiting for review.

* See [[SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/RelEng|RelEng]] page for the RelEng status history.
* In [ Bug 902876 Comment 12] Mcsmurf is waiting for feedback from the build team on how to proceed.

<!-- ==== Fixed Stuff Since Last Meeting ====
Comment out this section if nothing new fixed-->

=== Release Train ===
* SeaMonkey 2.30 was released on 15th October 2014.
* Useful Firefox Release Schedule link: [ Releases Scheduling]

=== Extensions and Plugins Compatibility Tracking ===
<!-- please move this paragraph to next meeting page when it'll be created

AMO has been aggressively WONTFIXing lots of open bugs which they "won't realistically be able to fix" (sic), including some such as {bug|1055371} and {bug|1065237} which were later fixed by a change somewhere in the suite directory tree. This of course doesn't help us. See [ this blog page] for details.

* '''[ Firefox & Thunderbird Add-on Converter for SeaMonkey]'''
* This tool goes a little further beyond simply modifying install.rdf - it also identifies a few more other things in the code that are Firefox or Thunderbird specific and attempts to change them. Of course, not all extensions can be ported so easily to SeaMonkey since there's only so much an automated tool like that can do.<p>Add-on Converter for SeaMonkey: []
* {{Bug|1060858}} Ghostery 5.3.1 does not support SeaMonkey: The Addon-SDK has been updated ({{Bug|1071048}} and uplifted to mozilla-central, so now Ghostery works on SeaMonkey trunk and aurora builds. Ratty is looking into uplifting the patch to mozilla-beta and mozilla-release. Thinks that for -release, landing these changes on a relbranch is doable.
* See [[SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/Basics|Basics]] page. Please only list current changes here.
* [[SeaMonkey/AddonCompat|Addon Compatibility Listings]]
* Ratty filed {{Bug|957149}} to push an updated version of DOMi to [] to pick up the latest fixes. Depends on:
** {{Bug|957149}} (DOMi2.0.15) DOM Inspector 2.0.15.
** The checklist for a new release is at []. IanN has been working on this, needs to build a new package following feedback.
* Our build team needs to automate DOMI branch selection rather than having to tweak the every 6 weeks. {{Bug|763506}}

=== 2.x (Last, Current, Next) ===
* [From a previous meeting:] There is a problem with the metrics server, so no current data is available
<!--* 2.16 had ~X ADU by Tuesday 12th March and has had ~Y downloads so far.
** Of the released versions, as of Tuesday 12th March, we have A% on 2.0, B% on 2.1-2.3, C% on 2.4-2.6, D% on 2.7-2.9, E% on 2.10-2.12, F% on 2.13, G% on 2.14, H% on 2.15 and I% on 2.16.-->
* See [[SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/Basics|Basics]] page for the usual reminders.

==== 2.30 ====
[ open tracking] (0)
[ tracking requests] (3)
[ targeted] (0)
[ fixed] (8)
* [ SeaMonkey 2.30 Release Notes]
** Known Issues: {{Bug|1062297}} All saved passwords [apparently] gone after update.<br/>Mozillazine Firefox thread: []
*** [ Workaround 1:]
*** [ Workaround 2:]

==== 2.Next ====
* Stalled. Needs a kick.
** {{Bug|815954}} Click-to-Play: Port {{Bug|812562}} (click-to-play blocklisted plugins: reshow urlbar notification as with normal click-to-play).
** {{Bug|476108}} GetShortPathNameW fails under some NTFS junctions [patchlove].
<!-- ** &mdash; -->
* Current breakages:
** {{Bug|998807}} Sync account creation or device pairing fails with exception in BrowserIDManager needs an owner
** {{Bug|995737}} adapt seamonkey for the address book remote content policy change; use permission manager instead of address book property.
<!-- ** &mdash; ->
<!--Please update-->
* Mozilla-central bugs that affect us:
** Our front end Sync UI needs to be updated as the old backend is going away in Gecko/Firefox 31. See: [ New Firefox Sync has landed in Firefox Nightly]. Tracked in:
*** {{Bug|998807}} Sync account creation or device pairing fails with exception in BrowserIDManager.
*** {{Bug|1003434}} Add support for about:sync-progress.
** A lot of these bugs are due to mozilla-central switching from synchronous APIs to Asynchronous APIs.
** {{Bug|566746}} (asyncFormHistory) Form history should use asynchronous storage API. Tracked in:
*** {{Bug|912031}} Use Asynchronous FormHistory.jsm in place of nsIFormHistory2 in Suite.
** {{Bug|769764}} move proxy resolution to separate thread and remove sync api. Tracked in:
*** MailNews {{Bug|791645}} Rewrite calls to synchronous nsIProtocolProxyService::DeprecatedBlockingResolve with Async code before DeprecatedBlockingResolve disappears as well.
** {{Bug|793634}} Force builds to be compatible with gtk 2.18/glib 2.22. Tracked in:
*** {{Bug|795354}} Migrate SeaMonkey Linux builders to CentOS 6.
** {{Bug|846635}} Use asynchronous getCharsetForURI in getShortcutOrURI. {{Bug|834543}} Add asynchronous version of setCharsetForURI and getCharsetForURI. Tracked in:
*** {{Bug|896947}} Use asynchronous version of setCharsetForURI and getCharsetForURI in getShortcutOrURI and other places.
** {{Bug|825588}} Asynchronous JavaScript API for downloads and {{Bug|851471}} Decommission nsIDownloadManager. Tracked in:
*** {{Bug|888915}} Move SeaMonkey to the new JavaScript API for downloads when nsIDownloadManager is decommissioned.
* OSX V2 signing changes have landed on comm-central (uplifted to comm-aurora) and on comm-beta, tracked by:
** {{Bug|1072663}} Update removed-files for the move from Contents/MacOS to Contents/Resources.
** {{Bug|1074019}} Modify file structure of to allow for OSX v2 signing
** {{Bug|1074021}} Get SeaMonkey to launch with the new .app bundle structure
** {{Bug|1074025}} SeaMonkey's preprocessed channel-prefs.js file needs to be the same for each build

=== Feature List, Planning ===
[ Bug statistics] for the last two (full) weeks: 28 new, 10 fixed, 5 triaged.
* Low triaging effort, number of new bugs filed back to normal.
* '''IanN''' thinks it would be useful to remind people on the newsgroups / forums that they can contribute by triaging. '''Tonymec''' will post a reminder to newsgroups / forums
[ Open reviews/flags]:
[ 32 review]
[ 6 super-review]
[ 2 ui-review]
[ 6 feedback]

* See [[SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/FeatureList|Feature List]] page for major wanted/needed features.
*'''TODO:''' We will need to update our Sync UI code due to the new Sync API. Also we need to check if we are allowed to create FX accounts from our UI Since the new Sync accounts are FX accounts.[IanN] I'm sure I saw a question about FX accounts and branding. Callek was going to ask about being able to use Firefox accounts.

=== Roundtable - Personal Status Updates ===

Status Updates from developers - what are you working on, what's the progress, any other comments? (feel free to add yourself to the list if your name is missing and you have interesting status).
==== Aqualon ====
==== Callek ====
==== ewong ====
==== IanN ====
==== InvisibleSmiley ====
==== KaiRo ====
==== mcsmurf ====
==== Misak ====
==== Mnyromyr ====
==== Neil ====
==== Px ====
==== Ratty ====
==== rsx11m ====
Waiting for checkin:
* {{Bug|1060852}} Expose privacy.trackingprotection.enabled in Privacy preferences and account for removal of Do-Not-Track options. ''(code changes)''
Waiting for review:
* {{Bug|1060852}} Expose privacy.trackingprotection.enabled in Privacy preferences and account for removal of Do-Not-Track options. ''(help updates)''
Needs testing:
* {{Bug|1032302}} 8BITMIME keyword ignored in EHLO greeting, BODY=8BITMIME absent in MAIL request for 8-bit transfers. ''(MailNews)''
* Bug triage, testing, and commenting for SeaMonkey and MailNews Core.
* End-user information and discussion on [ MozillaZine].

==== sgautherie ====
==== stefanh ====
==== tonymec ====

=== Any other business? ===
* European Summer Time ends October 26th. <s>The next</s>This meeting shall be at 1pm GMT (9am Eastern, 1pm UK, 2pm Central Europe, 9pm Hong Kong)
* North American Daylight Saving Time ends November 2nd, returning to 8am for the Eastern time zone with the November 11th meeting.

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