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Help:Widget:Google Calendar

3,117 bytes added, 23:00, 29 January 2015
add info about widget, usage info and more exaples
== What is #widget:Google Calendar ==
This widget allows you to add '''[ Google Calendar]''' widget to your wiki page.
It was originally created by [[mediawikiwiki:User:Sergey Chernyshev|Sergey Chernyshev]] for [ upcoming conference calendar] on
[ Learn about about this widget].
== How do you use #widget:Google Calendar? ==
To insert this widget, use the following code:
== Parameters ==
* '''id''' - is a calendar ID (including <code></code>, come match user email addresses) - can be found on calendar settings page
* '''title''' - new title if you want to override calendar title (optional)
* '''height''' and '''width''' define calendar dimensions, 100%x600 is default (only width can be defined in %).
* '''color''' - events color (hex value. e.g. 5229A3) - only color used in [ Google's wizard] can be used.
* '''bgcolor''' - background/border color (hex value. e.g. ffcc66)
* '''weekstart''' - first day of the week (1-7)
* '''lang''' - interface language (en, fr, ru and etc).
* '''view''' - default view MONTH (default)/WEEK/AGENDA)
* '''timezone''' - time zone defined as a string like "America/New_York", should be automatically detected if omitted
* '''pvttk''' - This key is used to access non-public calendars. All calendars must be on a single account. [Depreciated by Google: See]
* '''style''' - The style attribute to be applied to the iframe.
* You can also trigger parts of the interface on and off:
** '''showtitle''' - true (default)/false - shows title
** '''shownav''' - true (default)/false - shows navigation arrows
** '''showdate''' - true (default)/false - shows date
** '''showtabs''' - true (default)/false - shows view tabs
** '''showcals''' - true (default)/false - shows a calendar list
** '''showprint''' - true (default)/false - shows a print icon
** '''showtz''' - true (default)/false - shows timezone
** '''border''' - true/false (default) - draws thin border around the widget
* '''app''' - for [ Google Apps for Your Domain] Calendars, specify the domain name for the account (<code><nowiki></nowiki>''''''/render</code>)
=== Share your Google Calendar ===
In order for the calendar to be visible on MozillaWiki, you need to share the calendar publicly.
Once you've shared the calendar, you'll need to get it's ID. You can find this in the calendar's settings page, towards the bottom:
== Real Example ==
This example shows US holidays.
<nowiki>{{#widget:Google Calendar
|title=US Holidays
{{#widget:Google Calendar
|title=US Holidays
This example shows US holidays using the weekly view:
<nowiki>{{#widget:Google Calendar
|title=US Holidays
{{#widget:Google Calendar
|title=US Holidays
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