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Help:Widget:Google Calendar

18 bytes added, 23:07, 29 January 2015
add some bolding on steps
In order for the calendar to be visible on MozillaWiki, you need to share the calendar publicly.
'''Step 1: ''' Go to the settings page for the calendar you want to share.
'''Step 2: ''' Click the '''Share this Calendar''' link and modify the sharing settings as needed. You'll need to check '''Make this calendar public''' in order to allow all MozillaWiki visitors to see your embedded calendar. ''Please be sure you want to share the details of this calendar, including attendee details, before you share it.''
'''Step 3: ''' Get the id for your shared calendar. You'll find this under the calendar's settings page, under the '''Calendar Details''' link towards the bottom:
Canmove, confirm, emeritus

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