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272 bytes added, 18:28, 21 August 2008
persist scrollbars after pan to allow scrollbar drag
The toolbar at the bottom contains the most frequently used functions - back/forward, zoom in/out and tabs. This toolbar cannot be hidden, and is generally present in all browser screens. The buttons may sometimes change depending on the screen.
Web page content is displayed in the center panel, and can be scrolled/panned directly by dragging. Scrollbars are normally not shown to maximize screen real estate, but can be shown during scrolling to provide a visual cue of the overall page size.(Suggest persisting scrollbar on screen for, say, 3 sec after panning, allowing user to then drag scrollbar. This provides much faster scrolling through long documents since with such a small screen, getting to bottom of long document takes many many pans on an iPhone.)
At the top of the screen is a title bar with a hideable toolbar beneath. This toolbar has a reload button, a URL bar, and a bookmark button.

Navigation menu