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286 bytes added, 23:07, 4 September 2008
Installation on Windows
so on their own. Here are some pointers:
1. Rename the patch file to have Add a .txt file extensionto your corresponding patch file (\bugzilla\testopia\patch-3.0[.x]). You may also want to convert 2. Edit the above patch file to use remove *nix line feed characters, and putting in classic DOS line endings using a utility /Windows carriage returns. You can do this manually, or there are numerous utilities that will do this for you, such as unix2dosor tofrodos.   23. Download GNU Patch and install it in a directory in your path.
It can be downloaded from
34. Correct the Perl Change PERL paths from native *nix, to a Windows Format. If you have MySQL Server installed, the defaultReplace utility does a great job at this:
C:\<apache path>\htdocs\bugzilla> <MySQL path>\bin\replace.exe" "#!/usr/bin/perl" "#!C:\perl\bin\perl" -- *.cgi *.pl

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