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271 bytes added, 19:57, 22 September 2008
** Finished the initial MozMill framework event system. Added listeners for the existing UI to display new framework messages. [mikeal]
Working on setting up the Standalone Talos for Pageloader Tests with Extensions installed [tomcat]
* Improved the script for finding regressions and fixes for JavaScript Tests [bc]
* We held a Dev Day at Seneca College on Sept 15-16. Key leaders of this were Dave Humphrey, Mark Finkle, Clint Talbert. Videos of all the sessions will be made available via the Seneca website and hopefully on DevMO.
* There was a [ Firefox 3.0.2 Test Day] on Friday. See [ results]
* Held a Firefox/WebVisum/general MoFo talk at the [ Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverein Hamburg e.V.], which is the local blindness self-help organization. Well-received with a lot of good questions and excitement.
* * Prepared a presentation that I'll hold at the [ Best Of Accessibility Symposium] on Thursday September 25. First presentation will be for newcomers to screen reader technology showing how web 2.0 pages like Twitter interact with a screen reader. Second will be on WAI-ARIA, demonstrating simple page enhancements that greatly improve accessibility.

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