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426 bytes added, 05:52, 28 November 2015
Start localizing in five steps or less
If I've read your mind (and don't be too shocked that I did), then you're in luck, because you've come to the right page! Below are the initial steps you need to take to get involved in the Mozilla L10n communities, one of the largest community L10n projects on the face of the Earth. Below you'll see the various ways you can contribute. Look over the list, determine which option best suits you, your skills, and your time availability, and then jump in! There are plenty of opportunities and we're excited to have you join us!
==Start localizing in five steps or lessMulailah untuk melakukan pembatasan pada beberapa langkah berikut (Pilih passion kamu di mana untuk berkontribusi kepada mozilla) =====If you want to localize Mozilla productsjika Anda ingin berkecimpung di bidang produk mozilla seperti...===
;Firefox, Firefox for Android, Firefox OS, Thunderbird, Lightning, Seamonkey
# Contact your [[L10n:Teams|l10n team]] about being added to their tambahkan ke halaman mozilla wiki page as a tentang '''Localizer-in-training'''. Tell them about yourselfSampaikan kepada mozilla wiki, why you want to get involvedapa alasan Anda ingin bergabung dengan mozilla wiki, and ask how you can help outdan tanyakan bagaimana cara Anda untuk membantu serta berkontribusi kepada Mozilla. Include some of the following Cantumkan info about yourselfberikut ini tentang diri Anda, seperti :#*Languages you speakBahasa yang biasa Anda gunakan untuk berbicara,#*Country where you resideNegara tempat tinggalmu,#*Professional and technical backgroundProfesi dan latar belakang kemampuan teknis,#*Why you want to join Mozilla Mengapa Anda ingin bergabung dengan mozilla l10n.#Introduce yourself in the Perkenalkan tentang diri Anda di alamat ini [ L10n newsgroup] and, if you use Twitterdan, apabila Anda memiliki twitter follow us on kita di [ @mozilla_l10n]. #If you haven't alreadyJika Anda belum punya browsert mozilla maka, download your di [ l10n team's localized build of Firefox Aurora] and start using it as your default dan mulailah menggunakan mozilla sebagai browserstandart Anda. Be sure to keep it up-to-date tooPastikan Untuk selalu mengupdate browser mozilla Anda.'''NOTEcatatan:''' If you don't have a jika kamu tidak mempunyai l10n team and are interested in creating onekelompok lantas tertarik untuk memilih salah satu kontribusi, let us know on the maka cari tahu kita di [ new locales newsgroup], as this will require some additional guidancekarena hal tersebut dapat membantu untuk membimbing Anda===Jika Anda tertarik melokalkan Konten Website...===
===If you want to localize Ikuti langkah-langkah lokalisir berikut ini di [ the Mozilla .org site], kmpanye pemasaran, dan dalam produk halaman web content...===:
Please follow these steps to localize [ the site], marketing campaigns, and in-product web pages: # Contact your Anda Hubungi [[L10n:Teams|l10n team]] about being added to their tentang cara menambahkan konten ke halaman wiki page as a '''Web Localizer-in-training'''. Tell them about yourselfkatakan tentang diri Anda, why you want to get involvedapa alasan Anda bergabung, and ask how you can help outdan tanyakan bagaimana cara Anda untuk bisa membantunya . Include some of the following info about yourselfHal tersebut mencakup informasi berikut tentang diri Anda:#*Languages you speakBahasa sehari-hari,#*Country where you resideTempat tinggalmu,#*Professional and technical backgroundLatar belakang profesi dan teknis,#*Why you want to join mengapa Anda ingin bergabung dengan Mozilla l10n.#Introduce yourself in the Perkenalkan dirimu di [ L10n newsgroup] and the dan [ Web-L10n newsgroup].
#Read through [[L10n:Web_parts|the web l10n documentation]] to learn how to start translating.

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