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BMO/Road Map

425 bytes added, 20:43, 16 February 2016
Add Firefox Accounts and Bugmaster work
== API ==
* [p3p4] REST Redesign
** The current REST API is based on the old RPC APIs.
** We want to move to a more intuitive, flexible design.
** We will draw heavily from bzapi's design.
== Accounts ==
* [p2] Add support for authenticating via Firefox Accounts.
** Persona will be going away; Firefox Accounts seems like the best replacement.
== UI/UX ==
* [p1] Integration with Aha! for Program Management.
** They rely on this tool a lot and have been doing mostly manual integration.
* [p1] Work with the Bugmaster team to define some new tools and processes for bug triaging.
** At the moment this is mostly limited to consultation with the Bugmaster team, e.g. providing usage data. Work items will likely be spun off of here and categorized above.

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