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ParticipationSystems/Participation Metrics

39 bytes added, 21:49, 26 May 2016
updated some tags
# Hire and get detailed requirements to Bitergia - {{font <span style="color|:red|;">DONE}} </span> - [ requirements doc]
# Beta dashboard in place by London All Hands, including data compiled by Bitergia and Campus Campaign - IN PROGRESS
# Get feedback on survey design and approach from various experts inside and outside Mozilla - {{font <span style="color|:red|;">DONE}}</span>
# Setup survey, consult with legal, and send survey to all vouched Mozillians - {{font <span style="color|:red|;">DONE}}</span>
# Produce an initial analysis and report, both public and private versions, and start setting hypotheses for action - IN PROGRESS

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