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121 bytes removed, 21:00, 9 June 2016
In Mozilla documentation "Electrolysis" is often shorted as "e10s".
==Enabling and Disabling Electrolysis on Testing == === Nightly/Aurora===
If you're on Nightly or Aurora, e10s is already enabled by default! A user facing checkbox is available for controlling Electrolysis functionality. Open Preferences and check the "Enable multi-process" checkbox and then restart your browser:
[[File:E10s-toggle-in-preferences.png|324x150px|frameless|Nightly > Preferences > General > Enable multi-process]]
For release builds (Beta, Release, ESR) enabling Electrolysis is controlled through an internal preference. == Electrolysis on = Firefox Beta ===
If you're currently using Firefox Beta you might be testing e10s already, check ''about:support'' and look for a number higher than 0 in the "Multiprocess Windows" entry. If you would like to opt-in to help us test open ''about:config'' and toggle '''browser.tabs.remote.autostart''' to true. On your next restart, e10s should be active.
== Electrolysis on = Firefox Release ===
Electrolysis is not currently available in release channel Firefox. If you would like to help test we suggest you install Firefox Beta.
=== Force-enabling e10s Enable ===
If you've tried to enable enabling e10s, but you see information in ''about:support saying '' indicates that it e10s is disabled by some reason (e.g., Addaccessibility, add-onscan trigger this), you can force e10s on for testing purposes. Within ''about:config'' create and set to true a new boolean pref called named '''browser.tabs.remote.force-enable'''and set it to true. That This is not encouraged though, so use it at your own risk, and only if you know what you're doing.!
== What to Expect ==

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