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Platform/GFX/Device Reset Debugging

1,737 bytes added, 15:17, 13 July 2017
This page describes the process of gathering D3D11 debug output in order to diagnose the cause of device resets.
'''Debugging Device Resets'''

This page will explain how to use the Direct3D 11 Debug Layer to retrieve diagnostic information, warning and error messages coming from Firefox. The idea is that in some cases this may provide some insight as to why device resets are occurring.

'' Installing required 3rd-party components ''

In order to use the Debug Layer the Windows SDK has to be installed on your machine, it can be found [ here].

An effective way of gathering the debug output on your systems is a tool published as part of Microsoft SysInternals called DebugView, it can be found [ here].

'' Toggle the Direct3D Debug Layer Pref in Firefox ''

Go to about:config (in a recent nightly build), search for a preference labeled 'gfx.direct3d11.enable-debug-layer'. After you flip this, a restart is required, and firefox will begin outputting D3D11 diagnostic information to the Windows debug output layer.

'' Gathering Logging Info ''

The next step is to startup DebugView, go to 'File->Log As File', and log an unlimited size log to a file of your choice (this log file can grow somewhat large in size so you may want to keep that in mind). Now proceed to use Firefox as you normally would. After you experience a Device Reset, you can stop the logging in DebugView (by simply clicking File->Log As File again), and attach the log to a bug for evaluation by a Firefox graphics engineer. Be aware that these logs contain -all- of your running application's debug output and may contain personally identifiable or privacy sensitive information if any of your applications are doing sloppy logging.

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