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Platform/GFX/Device Reset Debugging

236 bytes removed, 18:30, 13 July 2017
Simplify logging
Start DebugView, go to 'File->Log As File', and log an unlimited size log to a directory of your choice (this log file can grow somewhat large in size so you may want to keep that in mind).
Use Firefox as you normally would (if you can reproduce the problem at will, it may be worth running DebugView and Firefox as the sole applications on your system - see below for details.) After you experience a Device Reset, stop the logging in DebugView (by simply clicking File->Log As File again).
== Submitting the collected information ==
The collected logs contain debug output from all running applications, and as such may contain sensitive information. This is the reason to only run Firefox + DebugView when planning on sharing the logs.
Attach the log file to a [ new] or existing bug for evaluation by a Firefox graphics engineer. You will want to set the privacy checkbox when adding the attachment to bugzilla - the one that says "Make attachment and comment private (visible only to members of the core-security-release group)". This will ensure that any private information, if any, is not available to general public.

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