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Release Management/Release Process

653 bytes added, 12:50, 15 March 2018
Add nightly soft code information + fix an internal link
Our release schedule is meant to be flexible and we may occasionally modify the length of a cycle to be shorter or longer than the 6-8 week cycle mentioned. Check the [[RapidRelease/Calendar|Rapid Release Calendar] to stay updated with the upcoming branch dates.
=== Nightly soft code freeze ===
The last week of the nightly cycle, before merge day (when mozilla-central is merged into the mozilla-beta repository and a new release cycle starts), is nightly soft code freeze week, meaning that developers should not land on mozilla-central code that is deemed risky for the stability and general quality of Firefox and that features that are controlled by a pref and were not activated during the nightly cycle should not be activated during this week.
If you land code that introduces new crashers or lower the overall quality of Firefox this week, we will back it out instead of waiting for a follow-up fix.
[[Release_Management/Relnotes_rules|Release Notes page]] describes the release notes process, the '''''relnote-firefox''''' tracking flag, styling guide and other relevant details.
Please check the [[Release_Management/Release_Notes_Process#What.27s_New.2FKnown_Issues_Section_Candidates wikiRelease Notes documentation]] for the process we currently have currently to construct release notes. Below is are the link links to all the existing release notes across all channels.
* '''Firefox Release'''

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