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CA/Required or Recommended Practices

144 bytes added, 18:00, 15 October 2018
added further clarification
The words "No Stipulation" mean that the particular document imposes no requirements related to that section.
Any CPS that falls within the scope of Mozilla’s program must not use the words “No stipulation” unless the corresponding section in the CA/Browser Forum Baseline Requirements state “No stipulation”, “Not applicable”, or is blank. The words “Not applicable” are acceptable to indicate that the CA’s policies forbid the practice that is the title of the section. Language similar to “We do not perform <subject of the section>” is preferred. If a full description of a section is repeated elsewhere in the document, language similar to “Refer to Section 1.2.3” is preferred. Cross-referencing between CP and CPS documents is acceptableas long as both documents are published on your CA's website, and the CP and CPS documents clearly indicate which root certificates they govern.
Confirm, administrator

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