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637 bytes added, 17:41, 19 November 2018
Added ET headlines for this week
== November 19th, 2018 ==
* '''Eight IndieWebCamps Completed in 2018First from XR Studio''' -- This month we hosted The first product developed by a participant in our [https IndieWebCamp at our Berlin officeXR Studio]program launched last week: "Spot the Surveillance" from EFF rockstar Laura Schatzkin, who taught herself A-Frame over the eighth city in this year’s summer! [ series of global grasspress/releases/eff-unveils-virtual-reality-tool-help-people-spot-surveillance-devices-roots BarCamps] helping individuals take back their data and online experience from Spot the content silos. By bringing usersSurveillance], designerswhich works best with a VR headset but will also work on standard browsers, and developers togetherplaces users in a 360-degree street scene in San Francisco. In the scene, we helped accelerate a young resident is in an encounter with police. Users are challenged to identify surveillance tools by looking around the adoption of scene. The experience takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. For access to the VR experience and instructions on its use go [ decentralized web standardspages/spot-surveillance-vr-experience-keeping-eye-big-brother here], from .* '''Kupu Hohonu''' -- New Zealand’s [https://snarfedtehiku.orgnz/te-hiku-radio/1Te Hiku Radio] received $500k of funding to develop speech-to-text and text-millionto-webmentions Webmention which broke speech capabilities for Te Reo Māori (The Maori Language of the indigenous people of New Zealand). They are training Deep Speech using their collection of 1 million mark] at the start ,300 speakers and over 193,000 recordings totaling over 300 hours of this yearaudio, to emerging building blocks like and already getting state of the art [ Microsub] which enabled t/deepspeech-trained-on-the launch of [https:-maori-language//indieweb32625 results].org/reader new mobile social readers] that put users in control, instead of advertisers & algorithms They plan to contribute back data and code to the Deep Speech project.
== November 12th, 2018 ==

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