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58 bytes added, 16:35, 6 May 2019
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* '''Firefox Reality Steaming Along''' -- Mozilla is [ working with Valve to bring the immersive web to Steam VR]. Mozilla will bring a desktop version of Firefox Reality to Steam. You’ll be able to install it from a new web dashboard button and launch a browser window over any OpenVR experience. You’ll be able to tweet or chat or any of your other favorite web activities without leaving the immersive experience. Also, your cookies and bookmarks will be synced with your Firefox account so you won’t have to log in twice.
* '''Our Latest Research Grants''' -- Mozilla Research Grants 2019H1are open for applications. For this funding series we are only looking for proposals that answer any of a list of [ twelve specific research questions] sourced from colleagues across Mozilla and which we’ve grouped into three categories: Growing the Web, New Interaction Modes, and Privacy & Security. The proposal deadline is May 31. Please pass along our questions to your research networks!
* '''Mozilla WebThings Gateway Update''' -- [[File:Gateway08mau.png|100px|thumb|right|]] Last week we mentioned the launch of version 0.8 of our Mozilla WebThings Gateway, and response has been great. We’ve seen 2500 downloads of 0.8 and a jump in monthly active installations from about 600 just below the launch to over 950 now: (see graph). You can read more about the 0.8 release in our Hacks blog post or join the community conversation on Discourse. 
== April 29th, 2019 ==

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